Chapter Two: Found by the Soul Society

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Meanwhile, Rei's eyes flared angrily. "You wanna fight, you got one. Bring it on, Menos scum." She tapped her collarbone, and immediately separated herself from her gigai. She drew her two knives, blades gleaming wickedly, before getting to work.

Rukia, Ichigo, Renji, and the others watched in awe as Rei fought the Menos. She was so quick, all they could see was the occasional flash of her knives as she sliced up the Menos. It roared in pain, backing away.

Rei sneered. "That's right, run away like a little wimp. You won't get far." She sheathed her knives and extended her hand out, the one with the Quincy cross.

"Wait, hold on!" Ichigo shouted.

Too late. Her wrist glowed blue, and her bow reappeared in her hand. Another flash of silver light, and the Menos soon writhed on the ground, dissolving into black particles that floated away.

However, Rei didn't stop there. She launched a storm of arrows, and took down every last Menos Grande in the park. Her dark blue eyes burned with anger and battle lust as she fired yet another volley of arrows.

Within five minutes, it was all over. The Menos were all gone. Every last one, thanks to Rei. None of the Soul Reapers had done a thing. There simply hadn't been a need for it. Rei wiped out the Menos like a demon, radiating such power and Spirit Pressure all the while.

She straightened up, still clutching her bow tightly. Tiny beads of sweat dotted her brow, though her breathing was even.

The Soul Reapers backed away from Rei, holding their swords out.

"Who are you?" Toshiro demanded.

Rei glanced at the Soul Reapers. Her eyes narrowed, and her fingers tightened around the bow.

"Drop your weapon!" Toshiro shouted.

Rei didn't budge an inch, until Rukia called. "Put it away, Rei."

Rei gritted her teeth. Ichigo could tell her Quincy instincts were telling her to fight, but she overpowered them and reluctantly stowed away her bow, back into her bracelet. The Soul Reapers, however, advanced, their zanpakuto out and ready.

"STOP!!!" Rukia hollered, jumping in front of them.

Renji's eyes furrowed. "Rukia?"

She ignored him. "You guys haven't changed at all! You can't attack an unarmed girl, even if she's a Quincy. Don't forget that one of our allies in this world is a Quincy himself. Besides, it's clear that this girl is also a Soul Reaper, just like us. If you have a problem with that just because she's a Quincy, then first question whether or not you're thinking straight."

"Rukia----" Rei breathed.

Rukia stood her ground firm, her jaw clenched.

Toshiro sighed, then lowered his sword. The others copied him. "Very well. But we'll have to report this to Central 46, you know."

Rukia glanced back at Rei, who nodded. "It's fine. Let them talk all they want. From what I've heard about the Soul Reapers, you have to report everything from a mission to Central 46 and your captains. It's their job, so I don't have a right to say no."

Rukia sighed, and Toshiro closed his eyes.

"However," Rei added, smirking. "If so much as a single Soul Reaper attacks me for no reason, I have every right to fight back with all I've got. Right?"

Toshiro looked menacing. "That's correct." He grumbled.

Rei smiled cheerfully. "Then it's settled. Bye!"

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