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 "Baby blankets, booties, clothes, hats, jewelry that she can grow in to. Toys, and like everything." I looked over at him like he was stupid.

We walked around the store for about an hour until we got everything that would be needed. With everything gift wrapped and in bags we left the store and walked around for a bit. I decided that we should work on our baby plans more fiercely now that the trouble of Ashton was no more.

"Babe, I'm gonna go in to the victoria's secret, wait here for a bit." I pointed to the large couch across from the store's opening where other men sat with multiple bags looking bored.

"Please don't make me wait too long, or I will be coming in there." He warned giving me a look.

"Sweetheart, the alpha thing only works outside of us, when it's me and you weather you like it or not, I run the show." I kissed his cheek before patting it and making my way in to the store.

Walking around I saw tons of women looking for sexy numbers and perfumes. Some men followed behind their women like lost puppies, while others sat in over stuffed couches browsing through their phones. I looked around for a while picking out a couple lingerie sets and mismatch bras and panties along with a couple bottles of perfume and even lotion. Since I was using Gavin's credit card I didn't want to spend a lot but then thought again; this was a gift for him.

"Excuse me miss," I turned to see a tall man coming toward me with a two lingerie sets in each hand.

"Yes?" I looked from the items to him and his distressed face.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I need some help, my girlfriend is about the same size and skin tone as you and I want something that will look nice on her." He explained.

"Well, red, yellow, white, and the pale blue go great with my tone." I replied picking the pieces off his arms.

"Okay, this is a birthday present, I want something that she can still wear and feel sexy in even when she's pregnant." He set the other ones aside.

"Oh you're having a baby?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We're working on it, and I want something that will make her feel sexy continuously." He chuckled trying to hide his blush.

"My husband and I are trying too. And thicker bra straps are better fore support when the breasts get swollen and the little cover is long enough. These will do great." I showed him the right pieces.

"Thank you so much ma'am." He smiled lingering for a moment then seeming to realize this and make his way to the counter.

I decided to pay for my things as well and get to Gavin before he gets too impatient. I stepped out the store to see him  staring at the ceiling until I cleared my throat.

"Finally," Gavin sighed as I stepped out of the store with two large bags.

"This is for you, and besides I didn't even take that long." 

"Fine, let's get something to eat, I'm starving." He picked up the baby bags and started walking toward the food court.

"Me too." I followed next to him just as a voice called out to me.

"Hey, Ma'am!" I turned to see the guy I helped in the store walking over to me.

"Thanks again for your help, again. I wanted to thank you by giving you this." He pulled out a laminated card and handed it to me.

Gavin watched the man like he was a threat to my space. His chest puffed up like a male gorilla trying to show dominance. I'm surprised he didn't beat on his chest.

"What's this?" I looked the card over seeing access pass.

"It's an access pass to my night club here in the city. It allows you and three friends to come in for free." He explained with a smile.

"Oh, thank you very much." I thanked him putting the card in my bag.

Gavin wrapped his now free arm around my waist, trying to show the seemingly oblivious man I was taken.

"Be sure to come and visit, I sure you'll love it there." With a lingering smile he turned and walked off in a almost brisk pace.

It was almost hilarious how little attention the man paid to Gavin as he tried to show his alpha male role.

"Who was that guy?" Gavin asked standing like he was my body guard.

"He needed help finding lingerie for his girlfriend so I helped him out." I replied. "Relax Tarzan he wasn't hitting on me."


"Is it really necessary for us to watch her, I mean I'm woman enough for you, Ashton." Jessica pouted as she slithered into my lap and caressed my chest.

"I'm a very picky man, and if I can't have what I want, no one can." with a twist of her wrist I had her crying out in pain jumping off my lap to save her hand.

"What's so special about her, was she a good lay or something?" David asked around the chips he stuffed in his mouth.

"Yes and she was my perfect match, she was stolen from me by that fucking wolf and I will have his head and his woman." I smirked thinking about my victory.

"So you sent Gary in to bait her in to coming in to the club for what?" He asked licking the chip residue off his fingers.

"I'm sure she'll bring that dog with her. with so many scents in the place it will be hard to pinpoint exactly what smell is from what. She won't be able to smell my scent exactly and neither will he." I gave a triumphant smirk before standing and heading to my office.


Sorry for taking so long I keep getting deadends when it's time to write this but here we have it.

Ashton is still alive! But how? lol comment vote share comment. Let me know what you thought.

To Trust A Mate (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora