I shook my head, and started writing.

'Like what?' I neatly folded it then threw it at his face. It his lip and he flinched back, but a little late. I managed a smile. Then he unfolded it  reading it and started writing.

'like what's your favorite animal? Or what's your favorite color, stuff like that'

'1.) Koala. 2.) Blue. What about you? And we should play 20 questions.'

'Wolf(obviously) Blue. And sure you go firstHe flicked the note over like paper football.

'1.)How many siblings do you have?'

'None that I know of. I never met my father. 2.)What's you favorite sport'

'Oh sorry. And um, Football. 3.)Yours?'  I felt bad for him because my parents are together. And I can't imagine what I would do without my dad.

'Same. 4.)Where did you move here from?'

'North Carolina. 5.)Who was your first kiss?' I don't know why I asked, he probably doesn't even remember after all of those girls that he played. But I still had to ask. I looked at his face to see if I went too far, but he seemed fine. Guys and their stupid not showing emotion thing.

'Malory Brooks. 6.)Yours?'

OH. MY. GOD! Malory has some serious explaining to do. No wonder she was acting all mean-ish about Ethen. I wonder what he did.

'Haven't had it yet. 7.) What happened between you too? 8.) Did you break her heart? 9.) Did she break your heart? 10.) Did you two date? 11.) Do you like her still? 12.) Was it just a kiss, like a experimenting thing?'
I know I probably went over board, but I couldn't help it. I like to know stuff about my friends.

'Nothing. Don't know. No. No. No. And No. It was just in the heat of the moment. 13.)And your, what, 17 and you haven't had your first kiss yet? '

'So, I just haven't found the right guy yet. 14.)What was it like? Explain every detail!(the kiss)'

He sighed then started writing. But the teacher banged something on his table. "Get out. Detention is over see you all tomorrow." Has it really been an hour? Have Ethen and I really been talking that long? Wow. He finished writing then he handed me the note and walked out of the classroom then headed to the parking lot. I followed him heading to my car. He got in his Little pick-up truck, and I got into my Big 'monster truck'. It wasn't really a monster truck, but that's what I call it. I opened the note and it read,

' text me'

And below it I read a number. I smiled and started my drive home. All the way home I think about the conversation I just had with Ethen. "He's not so bad, he was kind enough to not talk about yesterday.Is he like that to everyone? We have a lot in common,do I like him? Does he like me?" I started getting closer to my house and I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there.

Sorry I had to. Honestly, I like cliff hangers. Hope you liked! Vote, Share, or comment if you liked. I do take Constructive Criticism. I like to know what I can do to improve this book. Love y'all. Adiós!

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