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"You look beautiful." Kendra complemented as I stood in my wedding dress.

"I'm nervous," I sighed.

"You will be fine, its just wedding day jitters." Hannah said as she fixed my hair.

"I know." I smiled.

The door opened and I turned around to see Harry.

"Get out, its bad luck for you to be here." Kendra said trying to push him out of the bathroom.

"That is a lie ,its superstition." He said.

"Okay, true, but get out you have to wait to see Nina." Kendra said successfully pushing Harry out.

She locked the door and walked back over to me. She began making last adjustments to my dress.

The top half was silk and it was silk. The silk ended below my breast as it turned into lace. The lace showed off my toned belly and back. The silk returned to cover my lower half. The dress drug the floor as it covered my feet. It was so beautiful. My veil was white fishnet that was trimmed with the white lace. Kendra did a good job.

Hannah pinned my hair up. She placed little white flowers in my hair. She then placed my headbands on my head. I looked like a fairy princess.

"It's time." Niall said knocking on the door.

"Okay." I sighed.

Harry, Zayn, Louis had left. Liam was going to carry me there. Niall,  Kendra, and Hannah were leaving before us.

Liam and I stood in the living room as we gave them time to get to the designated spot. Liam and I never worked on our friendship, so it was awkward right now.

"You look great." Liam complemented.

"Thanks, so do you." I said returning the complement.

"Harry is really lucky." He added.

"Yeah, I guess I'm lucky too." I added.

"Yeah, are you ready?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

" I guess so." I replied.

He picked me up bridal style and I lifted my dress up and laid it on top of me, so he wouldn't trip. Liam soon ran off into the afternoon sky.

He set me on the floor and I looked up to see Harry smiling. Hannah and Kendra were my bridesmaids, while Zayn and Niall were the best men. We couldn't decided, so we try to use everyone equally. Louis didn't want to be in the wedding, he said it made him nervous.

Louis, grandma, and grandpa were siting on white metal chairs. The chairs had bows on the back of them. Liam ran up to the front of the cliff, as he was our preacher.

Louis pulled out his phone and loudspeaker, he played a traditional wedding song as I began walking towards Harry. The song was not planned, so it threw me for a loop, but I smiled anyways.

Harry took my hand as soon I stood in front of him. I smiled at him as he winked at me.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Anina Ophelia Jackson and Harold Edward Styles." Liam greeted making me cringe at how weird my first name sounded to me.

"There is a quote that is favored of Harry." Liam said addressing Harry. "Love is sacrifice, he says that everyday. He said it everyday since I've known him. He didn't believe it until he met Nina. Nina you brought life back to Harry's dead body." Liam said making Niall laugh.

"Harry and Nina have written their own views, so at this time, Harry and Nina, you may read." Liam said taking a step back.

"Nina, I cannot began to express the right words for my love. All I can say is I love you. Nina, I promise to take care of you forever, literally. I wish I could speak like poets, like Shakespeare, then I could express my love in bigger words. I'm going to take care if you, and I'm never going to let anything hurt you." Harry smiled making me blush.

"Harry," I started taking a breath as I squeezed his hands. "I promise to keep you mine forever. I won't let anything tear us apart. I will never abandon you, I will hold you in your darkest times. You make my world orbit, and if I lose you, I would lose everything. I didn't know how to function until I met you. I love you Harry Styles." I smiled .

Liam smiled as he took a step closer to us. "Harry do you take Nina, to have and to hold. To keep forever, never let her go, no matter the conditions. Do you Nina as your wife?" Liam asked his tweaked version of his wedding speech.

"I Harry Styles, promise to love and sacrifice for you Nina? I do, I promise." Harry smiled as he placed a small, plain silver ring on my finger.

"Do you Nina Jackson, take Harry to have and to hold. To keep forever, never let him go,no matter the conditions." Laim said.

"I do, I do." I cut him off as I slipped the plain ring on Harry's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride." Laim said.

Harry wrapped me in his arms as he kissed me. Our lips melted together as they moved slowly. I wrapped my hands around his neck, his hands moved to the smell of my back as he pulled me closer. He soon pulled away with a smile spread across his face.

He took my hand as we turned to Louis and my grandparents. They stood up and started clapping. I smiled as I looked at Harry.

Everyone soon gathered around us as they hugged us both.

"Your last night as a human." Niall said. "Goodbye McDonald's." He teased.

"Shut up, or you will be my first meal." I laughed poking his cheek.

"You're married now." Grandpa said hugging me.

"Yep," i smiled.

"You got a good one too." He said letting me go.

"I think so too." I said ruffling Harry's curls.

"Okay, I don't wan to be out here all night." Zayn said.

"Okay, y'all go ahead. Nina and I are going to stay out here for a while." Harry said.

I grew nervous as I watched them disappear. I knew that it was time, and I was getting scared.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"I think so." I gulped.

He leant down and pecked my cheek. He trailed down to my neck and slowly sunk his teeth into my neck.

The Lion And The Lamb (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora