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The sun was setting in Washington. A dusk was filling the void sky as I rode in the car with my grandparents. The last time I had come to visit them, I was ten. It has been seven years since then.

"So, sweetheart how is the California lifestyle treating you?" My grandfathers shaky voice asked.

"It's good, I guess." I managed to speak.

My eyes were growing wearier with each passing second. I laid my head against the cool window an rested my eyes. The car soon came to a stop, causing me to look up.

"We're here." My grandmother said.

I opened the door and went to the trunk. I opened it and grabbed my bags. I had a difficult time holding them all up, but I wouldn't tell anyone that.

My grandfather held the door open for me. I stepped inside the Victorian home and sat my bags down.

"It hasn't changed at all." I said admiring the home my grandparents had occupied for years.

I grabbed my bags, "same room?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. Do you need help with those?" My grandfather asked.

I shook my head in negativity as I made my way down the hall.

The room that I stayed in was by the back door. I opened the door to reveal the vaguely familiar smell of cookies. I looked around and my candle still sat on the dresser.

I sat my bags down and ran and jumped on the queen size bed that seemed so huge when I was ten. I didn't bother to change, I just pulled the covers back and curled up. I took a breath of relief and soon fell asleep.

I shuffled around in bed and soon my eyes popped open, voluntarily. I slowly sat up and stretched. I looked around and remembered that I was not at my normal residence.

I pulled the cover off my feet and placed them on the tile floor. The cold tiles woke me up quickly as I walked to the door.

I opened the door and walked out. I heard a faint conversation going on in the kitchen. Curiosity got the best of me as my feet carried me to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning." My grandmother Rose greeted. "There is sausage and biscuits on the stove, I just made them about twenty minutes ago." She smiled showing her dentures.

"Thanks." I said walking over.

I grabbed the best looking biscuit and pulled it in two. I then placed a sausage in the middle and closed the bread back. I took a bite as I walked to the table.

I sat down and my grandparents eyes never left me.

"How have you been dear?" My grandfather, John asked.

"I've been good. I'm going to be senior this year coming up." I said realizing that I was getting old. I missed being a kid.

"Do you know what your profession will be?" Grandmother asked.

"No," I shook my head finishing my biscuit.

"Why not, your so bright." Grandfather stated.

"That still doesn't help me decide my future career." I stated smiling.

"Good point." He said laughing.

"So, is the creek still in the back?" I asked.

My grandparents looked at each other worriedly, then they averted their vision back to me.

"It's back there, but don't you think your too old to be playing in the forest?" Grandma asked. Something was up that they weren't telling me.

"No, I love the forest. It's so peaceful. I remember when I was younger and you could never find me, because I would be playing by the creek." I said reminiscing.

"Yeah, well I don't think that you should go back there, its dangerous." Grandma said trying to persuade me.

I just made a silly face not believing anything she was telling me. I have been back there multiple times when I was younger.

"It is said that vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies, and goblins roam the forest now." Grandpa said wiggling his fingers.

"That's nonsense and you know it." Grandma Rose said clearing the table.

"Well, I'm a big girl now. I think I'm going to go, just to think." I said jumping up and running to my room to get my shoes.

I slipped some socks and my rain boots on. To be safe I put on my black raincoat and walked out the back door.

I made my way to forest. I touched the first tree in my path. It was so good to be back here.

I continued down the old trail that led to the creek. I skipped down the path, like a kid. Like when I did when I was younger, I really missed those days.

I stopped when my eyes revealed the small creak. I walked over and looked in the little stream. It was just as I remember. Little pebbles scattered along the bottom. Moss scattered on the forest floor around me.

I walked over to the stump that was still present. I sat down and sighed. I smiled as I looked around. I felt complete again, I would never forget this place.

I relaxed my body and just enjoyed the tranquility of the forest. It was nothing like living in the smog filled city.

My body tensed up when I heard a limb break. I jumped up and looked around. It was unusual for animals to be out here, but it has been a while. Some could have migrated in.

I sat back down and began to relax again, but I couldn't help but think that I was being watched.

After a few more minutes of sitting on the stump, I stood up and began to walk around.

I walked further into the forest. My eyes took in the beauty of each rain soaked tree.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I seen a silhouette standing by a tree.

"Hello," I said as the figure moved closer to me.

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