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"Welcome to our modest home." Niall said opening the door.

I was expecting spider webs and coffins, not such a modern home. The furniture was solid white, the wall were a soft brown. The floors were wooden, as was the ceiling. Windows were plastered everywhere I looked. A chandelier hung in each room I could see. The house smelled of fresh pine. It was really beautiful.

We all walked over and sat down on the sofas. I sat between Harry and Niall, while the others were scattered on different couches.

"Do you have to avoid sunlight?" I asked Harry.

"I wouldn't if it wasn't for Niall. He uses spells to keep each of us safe from the burning of the sun. Every one hundred years it has to be refreshed." Harry said.

"Do you need sleep?" I asked.

"Well, yes, but not as long as humans. We only need two hours each month." He said laughing.

I didn't bother asking how he managed his sleeping schedule.

"Any more questions?" Liam asked.

"Well, do you kill people?" I asked.

They all laughed at me like I was Kevin Hart.

"No, I food sources are compelled after we finish them." Louis laughed.

"Oh," I said feeling like I had did something wrong.

"How did you all become vampires?" I asked.

"That's enough questions." Liam demanded, "take her away Harry."

Harry stood up and took my hand. He led me upstairs, and took me to what I presumed was his room.

"I'm so sorry." I said looking down.

"It's fine Nina, Liam is just uptight." Harry said sitting on the bed. "Join me." He said patting a spot beside him.

I slowly walked over and nervously sat down. His hand rested on my knee, I could feel how cold he was through my jeans.

"You can calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." He said getting closer.

I gulped and nodded my head, I couldn't help but be nervous. Harry pressed our lips together. His lips were cold, but they tasted so good. Our lips moved together as he placed his hand on my hip. My hands went to the back of his neck as I pulled him closer.

I wanted to deepen the kiss, and I think Harry knew it. He licked my bottom lip, like he was asking my permission. I let him gain full access as he added his soft tongue. I pushed him down on the bed and was quick to straddle his waist.

He forcefully pushed me off of him, causing me to hit the floor. I looked up at him as he sat up.

"I'm sorry, but if we wouldn't have stopped, I could have hurt you." He said holding out a hand.

I took it and we sat back down on the bed. He went to the opposite side and laid down. "Join me." He said lowly.

I laid my head down on his arm as he pulled me closer. He smelled so good. Every inch of his skin that I had felt was soft. He made me forget who I was.

"Your hair smell good." He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank you." Was all I said.

I felt my eyelids growing heavy as kept breathing in Harry's intoxicating aroma. I remember inhaling one last time, then I was gone.

My eyelids fluttered as I woke up. My vision was on a white ceiling. I looked around to notice that I was back at my grandparents house. Harry must have brought me back.

The Lion And The Lamb (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now