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"Hello," I nervously repeated myself.

"Please don't be frightened." The British male replied.

I started backing up slowly. "Please don't hurt me." I pleaded.

"Those aren't my intentions, I promise my love." He said as he stopped about two feet away from me.

"Who are you?" I asked shakily.

"I'm Harold, but you can call me Harry." He stated. "May I ask what is your name?"

"I'm Nina, Nina Jackson." I stated.

"Do you mind if I come closer?" He asked.

"No, only if you don't hurt me." I stated.

"Trust me, I am a man of my word Nina." He said stepping closer.

He reached out and grabbed my hand. He lifted up in his icy one. He pale lips pressed to my clammy skin.

"You are stunning." He said dropping my hand gently.

"Thank you, you are beautiful too." I replied as I admired his features.

"I'm far from beautiful." He stated.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

He pointed further into the forest. "I have a home in that direction."

"Do you want to go to the creek?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied.

I led the way to the creek. I sat down on the damp floor and he joined.

"I have been coming here for years." He said chuckling.

"Well, the last time I was here I was ten. I'm seventeen now." I stated.

"Why did you stop coming?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't live here, I'm visiting my grandparents." I stated.

"The Johnson's?" He asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked.

"I have known them for years." He laughed.

"I should probably be going back now." Said standing up.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" He asked quickly rising to his feet.

"Only if you are." I smiled.

"I will be here." He said.

"I will see you tomorrow." I said walking away.

I turned around and Harry had his arms behind his back. I smiled and waved at him. He nodded his head and I turned around.

My eyes fell on the back yard as I exited the forest. I walked to the back door and stepped in. I pulled my boots off and set them by the back door.

I slid my feet across the floor as I went to find my grandparents. They were sitting on the couch watching a black and white film.

I sat down beside my grandma and she patted my leg. "How was your trip to the forest?" She asked.

"Great, so many memories." I smiled leaving out the detail that I met someone in the forest.

"Did you see any goblins?" Grandpa asked.

"If you don't be quiet about stupid goblins I'm going to ring your neck." She said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You never let me have any fun woman." He said shaking his head.

I laughed and laid my head on my grandmother's shoulder.

Why did Harry seem so familiar. I felt like I have seen him before, somewhere, but I couldn't place him. I think I might have met him before, I don't know. He is young, really young. I felt like I met him when I was ten. I might have seen him in a picture. That's it a picture!

"Grandma, where are your photo albums?" I asked jumping up.

"Over there, why?" She asked pointing to a shelf.

I ran over and pulled the albums off the shelf. I sat on the floor and began flipping through.

There were pictures of my grandparents when they first got married. Pictures if my great grandparents and so on.

When I flipped the page my attention was caught. There he was in an old picture. He was dressed in a military uniform. It was a union uniform from the civil war.

I took the picture out and there was faded ink on the back.

Harold Styles (Johns great grandfather's friend.)

What, how could that be? I just seen Harry in our forest. Was he a ghost. Did I see a ghost?

I jumped up with the picture held between my fingers. I sat down by my grandpa.

"Tell me about him." I said.

"Oh, the infamous Harold. Why?" Grandpa John asked.

"I think he is cute and I want to know more about him." I said. I was telling the truth, just not the full truth.

"Well, Harold fought along in the civil war with my great grandfather, Sergeant Samuel Johnson. Harold was wounded and Samuel carried him to safety. Legend has it that when Samuel left to get help for Harold, Harold disappeared. He hasn't been seen since." Grandpa said.

"Don't listen to your grandfather's tall tales." Grandma laughed.

"I think that's really brave and interesting. I believe you grandpa." I said walking back to the photo album and returning the photo to its original state.

"Finally, someone believes me." Grandpa stated.

I laughed as I put the books back on the shelf.

"I think that I'm going to go take a bath." I said walking away.

"Okay, but don't be too long, we are going out tonight." Grandma yelled.

I removed my clothes and stepped into the already running shower. I let the water saturate my dry flesh. I grabbed a sponge and began to cleanse myself. I washed my hair out and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me ad ran to my room.

I dried off and put on some fresh undergarments. I slipped on some maroon skinny jeans and a cream colored T-shirt. I slipped on some socks and went to the back door. I grabbed my black rain boots and slipped them on.

I made my way back to my room and put on my black rain coat. I put my phone in my jacket pocket and went back to the bathroom. I plugged up the blow drier and dried my hair.

I pulled it up in a messy bun. I didn't bother with any makeup, instead I put on fake nerd glasses.

"I'm ready." I said walking into the living room.

"Alright then lets head out!" Grandpa cheered.

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