Dungeon Chapter 18 - The Temple of Secrets

Start from the beginning

            “Is there something we’re trying to not wake up?” Link questioned.

            Endeavor glanced at the odd piles of rocks. “I do not know what has gotten in here, but if it is anything like what had managed to find it is way when I last visited, then I would not want to fight it before we had the Goddess’s gift.”

            Journey growled, and began stalking forward. Link watched the wolf. As she approached the rocks, silent as the stones herself, the rocks began to stir. There was a flash of lightening. The stray pieces of rock whirled around in the air for a moment, before they began to merge. Each pile began to take its own shape. Though no two were the same, each had a four-legged structure, with the pulsing, bright energy suspending their rocks into their full shape, immitating a creature like a wolf.

            Without listening to Endeavor’s commands, Journey leapt into battle with one of the rock creatures. Endeavor sighed, and joined the fight. She said to Link, “Blast them, Link, we have no other option now.”

            Link pulled out his bombs, and lobed one at the nearest creature. The yellow-red explosion splintered the creature, and the sound echoed off the walls. Link ignored it, and tossed another bomb at another rcok beast.

            Using her long, slender sword, Endeavor stabbed her blade between the rock fragments into the center of the energy inside them. With the stream broken, the creatures could no longer hold their shape, and collapsed. Between the three of them, soon the monsters fell, one by one, until the room was clear.

            Zelda came up to them after the fight was over. She said, “Sorry, my bow’s not much use here, it seems.”

            “Then use that sword on your hip!” Endeavor exclaimed, before lowering her voice. She shook her head, and said to them, “It seems silence is not a luxury we have. These creatures know we are here just as well as anything else. If you need to, destroy them as soon as possible, in any way imaginable.”

            The change was a good one. Link was uncertain about sneaking from the start. As Endeavor led them across the room, Link only hoped that there would be a supply of bombs ready for him to restock, or that he would get this gift soon.

            Endeavor stopped. There were two paths to follow: one straight ahead and one off to their right. Endeavor raised a hand. “Wait here.”

            With that comment, she went up the path to their right. Link and Zelda glanced at each other. Moments later, Endeavor returned down to them. She said, “As I thought. This path leads on further into the dungeon, towards the shrine, but the way is locked. We need to find a key to progress.”

            “So, that way?” Link asked, pointing down the other hall. Endeavor nodded. Link went on down the hallway into the next room. It was a large room, with two more of the purple pyres. A pool of water sat between, with a glistening emblem in it. Link couldn't make it out from where he was, but he figured it was the Drex's symbol.

       The water rippled, and the slimy form of a chu made its way out of the pool. The purple firelight made it appear purple for a moment, but as it made its way out, a shadow cast over it, changing the chu’s color to black.

            “It’s mimicking the color its in,” Zelda said.

            “Then keep it out of the firelight, or we will never defeat it,” Endeavor replied. “I would rather deal with a shadow chu than a purple chu.”

            Zelda loosed an arrow at it. The light stunned it, giving Link a chance to get in close to it. On his third hit, he knocked it back into the firelight. Link swung again, only to watch the chu dodge his sword entirely. It split apart into hundreds of little pieces, before merging back together after his stroke.

            Link took a few steps back, baiting the creature back out. Once its color changed back to black, Link swung again. The chu wrapped itself around his sword, and began to pull it in. He could have hit it with his shield, but before he had time to, Zelda fired again, giving Link the chance he needed to finish the creature.

            As the chu dissolved, Link walked up to the pool to make sure no more chus were coming up. He looked at the bottom of the pool at the emblem in it. He said with a bit of surprise, “This isn’t the Drex’s symbol.”

            The Drex symbol was a waxing crescent moon, with a triangle in the upper part of the gap within the crescent. Rather, this symbol had three spheres in place of the triangle, with two above the third in the pattern of a triangle.

            Endeavor came up, and said, “That is correct. This is Reechka’s symbol, Her emblem in Her temple.”

            “Right…” Link muttered. Endeavor stepped down from the pool. “We need to find a key still.” With that, she led them on out of the room…

The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now