Chapter Thirteen: The Present is really a gift

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Silverwing's pov

I flew into the Alpha's cave. 

"Sir..." He wasn't looking at me, he was to busy talking to someone else. I waited patently, although my patience was wearing off. 

"Yes Silverwing, what is it that you need." He turned to look at me and noticed Starfire's absence.  "Where is Starfire?" His face a strait and I couldn't tell if he was mad or worried or anything. Not even his voice gave me any hints. 

"Um, she got away from me. I looked everywhere for her! I couldn't find her Alpha. I am very worried about her." I purposely sounded concerned, even though I wasn't. You have to sacrifice a lot of things to get what you want in life, and right now. I wanted Starfire. 

Toothless' pov

I can't wait till tonight, but what do I say? No, I need time to think of what to say so I don't sound stupid.... I started looking down at the ground. No, screw tomorrow, I will tell her now, and I know just how to do it. I mustered up what was ever left of my confidence. 

'Well... here goes nothing...' I thought as I took a step towards Star.

"Um Starfire..." She was already looking at me, and I continued to speak. " Can I show you something, and then I need to tell you something." She smiled that amazing smile, and I mentioned her to follow me. We walked for about five minuets before we can before a mountain. 

"Um... why are we here?" I pretended to not hear her question. I wanted to surprise her. I spread my wings and flew up into the air. Star followed behind me, I could hear her soft wing beats. We flew for another two minuets before we came across a cave. I motioned her to go in first. She deemed a bit hesitant, but went in. I followed in behind her. As we went through the light started to fade, but not for long. The darkness left just as fast as it came. When light started to fill the rest of the cave it blinded me when finally exited the cave. I didn't take long to adjust to the light, and when I did all I could see was Starfire's face lighten up in amazement. 

Starfire's Father's pov

Why can't she just listen and think about others rather than herself! If she wants to get by in life then she will except Silverwing as a mate, and get on with her life. That way I can retire and finally have some peace. Damn that girl... what is she doing all the time? For the past 3 weeks she has been gone. Maybe she found someone... or she has been with that Terrible Terror of hers.(Haha he knew about Flame all along! >.<) 

"Silverwings where did you last see Starfire?" 

"I last saw her by the beach... I was catching us fish, and she said she was going to get something, and then she was gone." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Hasn't he noticed that she hates him? And that she would take any chance she could to get away. 

"Well I guess we just have to follow her sent from there. Did anything happen that would make her want to leave?" He thought for a minuet and then stared at me with an expression that said, "I'm perfect, no one could run from me" Gods, I can't only think of one reason why Starfire would want to leave, well no, I take that back. Two reasons why she would want to leave. One being this males self absorbed attitude. And secondly she probably has someone else on her mind. And I intend to find out who, and that will be the last time she sees him, because Silverwing is the male for her, and no one else. I would rather have one unhappy dragon, then every dragon be unhappy. It's something that was vital to know being an Alpha. 

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