Chapter seven: what did you do?

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I stared at my father and Silverwing.
"I didn't do anything wrong I swear! I was flying and I couldn't see so I crashed and passed out. I didn't know what time I woke up at, and I didn't know where I was. So I did some exploring. I might have lost track of time. So I tried to find a place that looked familiar and I flew from there to here." I hoped it worked.
"Well if that's true then why do you smell like Night fury?" My father questioned. I had completely forgotten about the smell. I had to think of something quick!
"Well you see I landed in I guess it was a Night Fury territory, but don't worry no one was there, and I tripped ya know, me being clumsy." I nervously laughed." And fell into a um...tree. Yeah, I guess a Night Fury marked that up."
"Wait so you fell into a tree?"
"Well no I meant that I ran into a tree, well more like tripped..." I looked down in shame. I was talking like a fool. Why can't I just turn him in? Why? Maybe because he is fun. Maybe because he is interesting, and maybe because his is my only other friend other than Flame. I was snapped out of my thought as my dad and Silverwing walked out. I was so happy it was over. But once they left I had to deal with someone else... Flame. He walked out of his bidding spot looking mad at me.
"Why did you lie to me?" He looked mad and hurt.
"What are you talking about?" My nerves were on edge.
"You never mentioned the tree part, and one other thing... Night Furies not mark up trees like we do." I was completely blown away. I new he knew. And I had to tell him the truth, the truth that I'm hanging around with... a Night Fury.

~time skip brought to you by me! Because I said so!~

I finished telling Flame about how I met Nightwing. He seemed entertained. His eyes were HUGE!
"So this Nightwing fellow, you think he's cute?" Again with the teasing!
"No... I just think he is interesting, and I would defeat that you stop there." He looked at me concerned.
"Your going back aren't you?"
"How did you know?!" He only smiled.
"Haha I didn't until now." I almost blew up! He is using his mind of trickery to get inside my mind!
"You need to stop trying to read my mind!" I tried to sound angry, but I think I sounded more jokingly. He only laughed.
"Hey I know I can't stop you, So I am going to be right here, waiting to support you. That's what friends are for right!"
"Right! Now let's get some sleep. Its already late." I curled up into a small ball and Flame slept at my cave for the night.
In the morning I was surprised that I didn't wake up late. Normally I would wake up sometime around noon, but I actually woke right as the sun started to rise. That's when I remembered my promise to Nightwing. In one hour I was going to meet him at the border. Well maybe I'll change for once and actually be early to something. I slowly woke Flame up to tell him I'm leaving. And once I left I flew freely as I made my way to the boarder. When I got there Nightwings wasn't there.
'Well of course he wouldn't be, I am half an hour early!' So I decided that I was going to take a quick nap while I waited. I rested under a tree for cover, and I rested. I must have been sleep longer than I should have 'typical' because I woke to a pare of green eyes staring at me.
"Ah!" I yelped out at the pair of green emerald eyes.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Nightwing said as he helped me up.
"Hey, how long here you waiting here?" Nightwing asked.
"Well to be honest...*yawn*...I was waiting for about 30 minuets or so." Night looked at me and laughed.
"You didn't have to. If you looked I was about 6 trees down. I didn't see you because I was waiting for you, and I fell asleep. I was waiting there for 2 hours. And I missed you. But then I saw you sleeping." He smirked his evil smirk and I laughed.
"Why we're you waiting that long?" He just continued to smirk.
"Well I couldn't help it. I was so eager to see you again!" Again if I didn't have black scales I would be as red as a red rose.
" were existed to see me?"

Sorry if there are and spelling errors... I am using my phone to type and auto correct doesn't always do the right correction. Lol

The Scars that Define me *Finished!*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora