Chapter Three: Who are you! (Part 1)

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"Well I guess I could do something to help. I know I help you think of ways to solve your problems, but I feel as if I don't really Do anything to help." Flame said as he rubbed his head with mine. I know rubbing heads isn't something "friends" would do, but we are close...really close. But don't get me wrong we might be really close friends, but we are far far FAR from mates. 

"No Flame you know that you can't help. I would let you, but I don't want you getting hurt. You know that if anyone saw you they would rip you to shreds, and then I would have no one to HELP me with my problems, and actually you do help. You help me more than anything or anyone really. Flame looked at me with big puffed out eyes, and I did the same with my eyes, because well it's an inside joke. (Ya'll will know what the inside joke is later :P) But that moment was short lived when we heard wings beating like drums getting closer and closer to my cave, and I knew immediately who it was. 

"Quick Flame hide!" Flame ran behind a rock that was about five feet away from where he was. It was his usual hiding spot. My dad landed on the edge of my cave entrance. 

"Hello? May I please come in?" I rolled my eyes, and with no response he still walked in.  

"What do you want?" I scowled at him. His face still emotionless. There was no sadness, anger, and no shock that I pick a disrespectful tone with him, there was nothing.

"Starfire, I need you to try and understand, that this is for your own good. This is for the good of the pack." I looked at him confused.

"If, and I say if, Silverwing and I EVER become mates, wasn't I going to live in his pack?"

"Well first yes, but we were talking after I told him that your weren't pleased about the whole mate thing, he thought it would make you feel a little bit better if you ruled here."

"Dad that doesn't change my answer. I will not become Silverwing's mate, nor will I ever be, and I will not become the mate of someone I don't love."

"Well then you two should get to know each other better. Then you will see the dragon he is, and maybe fall in love with him." I crinkled my nose having no more to save. My father nodded his head and started walking out of the cave. 

"And just so you know. You can't get around this, and I will be back with more news." And with that he flew off, and I was along with the TerribleTerror (is it one word or two?) listening to every word.

"Okay Flame you can come out now." Flame walked out of his hiding spot, and walked back up to me. 

"Are you okay?" I didn't say a word. "Starfire?"

"Um...Flame, I think I need to be alone for a while. You can stay here if you want. I am just going to go and fly around." I ran out of the cave with tears in my eyes. It was already sun down, and with tears clouding my vision it got rather hard to see.  But before I could clear the tears I ran into something hard. It hit me right in the face. I started to fall, and when I hit the ground my world went black. 



"Are you okay?..... Mis? Are you alright?" Who? Who is that? I slightly opened my eyes to see sparkling green ones staring right back at me. 

"Where am I?" I asked slowly as I started to get up. 

"You are on an island, I don't think your from here." I turned to look at the face that I woke up looking at. 

"Oh, well what do you mean? I don't think I flew that far." The dragon looked at me. 

"Well you know it was a guess." I waited for my eyes to adjust from hitting whatever it was that I hit last night.    

"What happened to me?" The fury grew a smirk on his face, and chuckled lightly.

"Well you kinda ran into a mountain..." I guess he tried not to laugh, but I could tell he wasn't trying hard enough because you could see that he was going to fall over from laughing. 

"Oh, well that's great." I didn't take the time until now to actually look at the person who found me, and as I studied the dragon I noticed he was of the Fury species, but what I didn't see were white spots on him, none what so ever. Something I also noticed was his eyes. I hadn't mentioned in before, but this fury had green emerald eyes. And that should have been a red flag from the start. This Fury was a Night Fury. 

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