She has light brown hair, like my natural color, and she has CC's shape and color of eyes.

I put her little pink converse on and picked her up and kissed her cheek. I said, "I love you!"

She threw her arms up, "I luh you too mommy!"

She gave me a hug and I set her down and told her, "Go get daddy!"

She walked to our bedroom, me following her. She walked straight to CC, who walked out of the bathroom in his pants and no shirt. He put his hand on her hand, "What's up, squirt?" He picked her up and walked to me. I kissed him, "I'm going to get changed."

He smiled and kissed me back, "Okay. I will get my shirt and shoes on and be back out in the kitchen." I hadn't noticed his hair was teased and he was wearing his bandana. I usually stare at his eyes.

I left my little world and went to the closet and pulled out Andy's pair of half-black, half-leopard print pants then pulled out a black half shirt that went off of my shoulder. I put that on with black studded ankle boots, straightened and brushed my hair, then put on black eyeshadow. CC was, of course, finished before me. I took the biggest strides I could to the kitchen and right when I got in there, Andy was tossing Carolyn in the air.

Jake laughed, "I will laugh hysterically if she barfs on you."

Andy frowned, still holding her in the air, "I won't."

October smiled, "Hey Alesana! Ready?"

I smiled and nodded, "Let's go!"

Andy gave Carolyn to me and me, CC, Andy, October, Crystal, and Jake went to CC's car and Ash, Rosie, Jinxx, and Sammi went to Sammi's car.

I put Carolyn in her car seat and buckled her in then got into the passenger seat. Then as CC started the car, Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer" came on the radio. CC made the funniest happy face at me and October and Andy laughed in the back seat. Andy laughed and said, "Oh crap."

I smiled, "Yes! This song is amazing. When Chris sings it."

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "You know you loved it at Applebee's."

I laughed, "I did. So much."

He smiled and started singing the song and once we pulled away, he belted out the chorus, causing Carolyn to start giggling in the back seat. Then we all joined in on the last chorus. Then after the song was over, we were at Sunset Strip Blvd in front of a library. Jinxx parked their car next to us and Sammi flipped us off. I flipped her off back and stuck out my tongue.

She laughed, as did I. We got out of the car and CC got Carolyn out. We walked down to the shops and just walked around for awhile until it hit five that evening.

"Okay, who's ready to eat?" Jake asked.

Everyone yelled "Yes!" and "I'm so hungry!"

Rosie smiled, "California Pizza Kitchen!"

Jake grinned, "YES!"

Ashley laughed, "Of course, Jake. You would. Ha ha. But that does sound good."

So it was decided. We walked to CPK and got ourselves a table and sat down. We got a high chair for Carolyn and set it at the end of the table, in between me and CC.

Crystal smiled, "Carolyn is such a beautiful baby. You guys did an awesome job." She winked.

"Ha ha ha. Thanks, I think we did too," I said.

CC smiled, "I think Alesana contributed most."

I shook my head, "Look in her face. She has your eyes and face shape. She has my lips and eyebrows. She will be a daddy's girl."

Married to a Rockstar. Sequel to Girlfriend of a Rockstar.Where stories live. Discover now