Chapter 18

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Skylar's POV

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled. I don't know why I did, I guess I thought he would stop.

"You're what?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered.

"Kill it. I swear to god if you don't I'm going to do it myself."

"I will, I will." Tears stream down my face.

"Good, and don't you dare tell anyone. You know what will happen." He leaves me there drenched in my own tears. I honestly can't stand staying here. I can't call Zayn to pick me up. I can't call mum or dad either. I dial Eleanor's number hoping she'll pick up.

"Hi, you've reached Eleanor. Sorry I missed you call, leave a message after the beep!" *BEEP*

Not bothering to leave a message, I hang up the phone. Literally seconds later, she calls back.

"Sky? What happened, aren't you supposed to be in school?" She asked.

"Hey, um yeah I'm at school but, something happened."

"I'm coming to pick you up. Wait in front of the school I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Okay bye." I hang up the phone and go to my locker. I get out my bag and few of my text books for homework. I close my locker and go outside. Pretty quickly Eleanor pulls up. I get in the car and we drive off.

"So, what happened?" She asked me.

"Jake found out, and um, he punched me in the stomach." I tell her. She makes a U turn.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Tears clouded vision. About a half hour later we pull up t the hospital. Once we get inside Eleanor goes to the receptionist.

"We need an ultra sound as soon as possible." She says. The lady at the desk types in some things before replying.

"We can take you right now. Go down the hall 3rd door on the left." El and I go inside the room and see a doctor waiting there.

"Ah, so who needs an ultra sound?" She asks. I shyly raise my hand. She gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Want me to hold your hand?" El asked. I give her a confused look.

"Why?" I asked.

"The gel is really cold."

"She's right." The lady said. "Could you pull up your shirt to right under your chest?" I nodded and did what she asked. I held on to Eleanor's hand. The doctor put some sort of gel on my stomach and it was extremely cold. She put something on my stomach and when she did I saw a small baby on the monitor.

"There's the baby. It seems to be pretty healthy but we can't say much yet, your only about 2 weeks in." She says. I get Eleanor to lean down so I can whisper in her hear.

"Can we do the abortion now?" I asked. She gave me a one second looked.

"Um, she needs an abortion as soon as possible." El said.

"Alright, we have time to do this right now so, what do you say?"

"Okay." I tell her. She cleans off the gel and leads me into a different room.

"This will take about 45 minutes so you can wait in the waiting room in the time being." She tells Eleanor. She nods and leaves. I'm not going to lie, I am really nervous about this.

Eleanor's POV

As soon as I left the room I went to the front desk.

"Hi, I made an appointment for an abortion on the 25th. Could I cancel it?" I asked.

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