Chapter 8

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A/N: IMPORTANT!! Remember in the beginning of the book i said she was 13? well change of plans she's actually 14. it would just make more since to what is going to happen later on! ok on wards with the story!


Skylar's P.O.V

I pick up my blade and think for a second.

Do I really want to start again?

Yes! You deserve it! You know all the things they said were true! My conscience tells me. Without having second thoughts, I glide the blade across my left wrist. I watch as the blood trickles down my arm. I make several more cuts, while remembering an old poem.

She paints a pretty picture,

But her story has a twist,

The paintbrush is her razor,

And the canvas is her wrist

Satisfied with my work, I wash off the blood and pull up my sleeves. Just then, somebody knocks on my bedroom door.

"Sky? Can I come in?" Waliyha says.

"Yeah sure." I reply. She walks in and sits down beside me on my bed.

"You okay?" She asks. I nod and give her a fake smile.

"Definitely. My arm just kind of hurts from earlier." I say gesturing to my broken arm. She chuckles a bit.

"Good. Um, do you want me to tell Zayn?"

"No, it's okay. Trust me I'll be able to handle it." I tell her. She smiles and gives me a hug.

"Good, because I don't want to see my little sister get hurt."

"Ey, I'm not younger then you!" I joke. She laughs a bit.

"Sure. Night Sky." As soon as she leaves the room, I get under the covers and start crying myself to sleep.


"Sky wake up!" Zayn yells. I grunt in response.

"Don't make me get the bucket." He threatens. I widened my eyes and shoot out of bed.

"I'M UP I'M UP!" I yell. Zayn laughs and leaves the room. I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I lift my sleeve up and take a look at my cuts. They're scabbing. I think to myself. I quickly do what I got to do, then leave the bathroom. I grab my blue T-shirt that says 'The Ninjas Made Me Do It' I grab a bunch of my bracelets and wrist bands and put them on my wrist making sure they cover the cuts. I apply a layer of mascara, grab my bag and head downstairs.

"You ready?" Zayn ask.

"Yeah." I reply. Waliyha and I get in the car as Zayn drives us to school. The whole ride to school was filled with music and loud screaming/singing. As soon as we got to school, I found Razeeah and Leslie.

"Hey what's up?" I say.

"Not much. Um, Razeeah told me what happened, how's you arm?" Leslie asked.

"Fine, just kind of hurts." I tell them. Moments later, the bell rings. As soon as we get inside I hear a lot of people whispering and laughing. I keep my head down and make my way to my locker. As soon as I open it, a note falls out. Being the idiot I am, I read it.

hey worthless slut! I guess that's the new name for u! sadly u had to show ur ugly face at school today :( maybe u should try wearing a paper bag over ur head! or better get? KILL YOURSELF!

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