1. Another Impending Storm

Start from the beginning

I crinkled my face in disgust. "There's no way I'm going to be seen with my two little brothers in college, so I'm going with Jade." I munched on my toast.

"You better be careful in college!" My mom walked towards me. "Don't go doing things I won't do." She poked my nose.

"Mhm." I replied as I finished my toast, then prepared to say good bye to everyone because I'm a good person. "Alright I have to go, I still have to apply for the swimming team thing. Bye mom!" I hugged her tightly from excitement.

"Bye Arielle!" My other brother Alec spoke softly as I returned his hug.

"Bye!" I smiled, stealing his last piece of toast without him seeing.

I'm a whale don't judge me.

As I opened the front door, I hear Tanner's voice quickly yell something behind me. "I hope Jade's car crash and you die." He spoke harshly.

I turned back towards him with a wide grin. "I hope mom's car crash and her and Alec are the only ones to survive!" I snapped, making him throw me a dirty look. "Deuces!" I closed the door behind me.

I skipped towards the car with everything I needed for school as a familiar voice in the back seat called out to me.

"Get in loser we're going shopping!" Trevor laughed out loud as his head popped out the window.

I widened my mouth. "I remember the first time you told me that, I was like what the hell, then I remembered it was a mean girls reference." I walked towards the car with such great energy.

Jade hugged me through the window with a wide smile. "Get in hurry!" She exclaimed.

Never in my life did I think I would be best friends with that girl Xavier and I met at that Italian restaurant. I'm still surprised as of today.

I sat myself inside the car while the three of us greeted each other.

"Where's Diamond and Savannah?" I asked curiously, buckling in my seatbelt.

"They said that they were gonna meet us there." Jade started the car engine.

"Arielle are you ready?" Trevor queried happily behind me.

"Kinda." I breathed. "Yea. I mean I'm not nervous." Am I nervous? No I'm not? Why would I be.

"I hope a miracle happens and you'll still be able to stay in The TigerSharks." Trevor sighed.

"I doubt it." I coughed. "I mean there's new people that has to join too you know? Especially over the fact that there's only 3 all boys and all girls swim teams now? People are gonna go crazy!" I looked at myself at the car's sun visor, running through my short dark hair.

"We'll just hope for the best." Trevor smiled. "What about you Jade?"

Jade's face immediately let out a frown. "No, no, no." She anxiously laughed. "I don't do sports." She focused on the street as she started to drive.

"This is such a nice car." I complimented, crying over the amazing air conditioning.

"Thanks." She cheered as she glanced at me. "My boyfriend bought it for me." Her cheeks turning red.

"Damn girl! Your boyfriend has money!" Trevor joked, making all three of us laugh out loud.

"Damn girl! Your boyfriend has money!" Trevor joked, making all three of us laugh out loud

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All 3 of us had finally arrived to the jaw dropping entrance of the University.

The widely designed entrance was filled with a bunch of people, all scurrying off inside.

"You guys ready?" Trevor gaped at us.

"I'm so excited." Jade exclaimed as she ran her hand through her gorgeously long hair.

"Let's do this." I beamed at the both of them, my heart beating faster as I kept my eyes on the large gate that had the school's name on it.

Amphitrite State University, here we come.

Amphitrite State University, here we come

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