The black liquid trailed down the demon's cheek as long fingers traced the cut, "You will pay for that."

Yugi laughed, "Give me your best, Keith!"

Black smoke poured out of Keith's' palms like a water fall. The smoke crept its way to the guardian; climbing Yugi's leg leaving acid in its wake. The acid burned through the white leather pants Yugi wore and painfully nipped at his delicate flesh. The guardian hissed as he flew out of the smoke and away from its path. Yugi created a spear made purely out of light energy. He flew directly towards the blonde demon as he poised the spear; ready to launch it into the demon's heart. He brought his arm back and threw the spear at Keith. The demon dodged; the light spear soaring directly past his torso and into his wing. He growled in pain eyeing the large hole the spear created in his wing.

The blonde demon grunted, locking his eyes on Yugi. His brows furrowed as he flew directly into Yugi; his body colliding with that of the petite guardian. He wrapped his large hands around Yugi's small throat. A growled clawed it's way out of Yugi's chest; his powerful wings pulling him backwards and away from Kieth. The demon launched himself at the guardian once again; his arms outstretched to wring the guardian's small neck. Yugi grabbed his wrists in a vice like grip. The petite guardian used all of his force to push Keith back down towards the ground. They landed in between Yami's apartment and the building next to it. Yugi flattened the demon into the ground pinning him down until he summoned light chains to hold the demon in place.

"How shall I dispose of you?" the guardian pondered kneeling over Kieth; his knee digging into the blonde demon's stomach. A smirk appeared on his angelic features. A smirk that sent chills down the demon's spine.

Yugi summoned his light rope again; wrapping the rope around Keith's neck. The chains vanished as he flew high into the star covered night sky dragging the demon behind him by the throat. Yugi spun in circles picking up momentum as did so. He released the light rope from his grip sending the demon flying into the night. A spear appeared directly in the path Keith's body traveled in. The demon tumble into the dark night; gasping when his body collided with the light spear. Black blood pooled in his mouth and trickled down his chin.

The guardian slowly approached the floating light spear and impaled demon, "You should have left when I warned you."

"Yugi, find out why you need to guard Yami. You have the right to know. Perhaps someday it can be stopped," Keith whispered; his head falling forward as his body turned to ash. A soft breeze blowing the demon's remains away.

Yugi's brows creased in thought, /Why would he be so insistent about me finding out why I was instructed to protect Yami?/


"What do you need help with, Yugi?" Ryou English accent broke the once again quiet evening. The silver winged angel arrived later that night landing on the roof next to the guardian. He lowered himself to sit on the roof beside Yugi.

"I need you to guard Yami for a little while," Yugi commented blankly not glancing towards his fellow guardian.

"Why? Where are you going?" Ryou asked as he blinked at Yugi.

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