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|I wrote something similiar already but I hope you still like it 😊|

Emma sat on the log in the forest and held the gun in her hand. It was too much. All of it. They think she can solve all of their problems, can help them when they need her, protect them from villians.

All because she is the fucking savior. She has her own life, with own problems. She didn't even know how much days she didn't sleep or ate anything because everybody wanted her to do something

No, it had to stop now. Normally, she didn't think about suicide but now, now it was the only way she could have her peace. She knew Killian and Henry wouldn't let her do this and because of this, she avoided them all day.

They tried to cheer her up because thy knew she was stressed and just wanted to rest but it didn't help. They could do nothing and she didn't want to get on their nerves with her presence.

She left them a note to explain the situation. She only hoped they find it after she did this.

No going back. She had to do this now.


Killian ended the voicemail with a goodbye. Emma didn't pick up, again. He was worried now, Emma always answers her phone. Somethin is not right, he knew that.

She avoided him all day and what he heard from Henry wasn't good either.

As he looked up, he saw Henry approaching him."Do you heard anything from her?," Henry asked, but he could only shake his head." I wish but I heard nothing. She doesn't even answer my calls."

They just stood there and thought. Thought about Emma aand if she was okay. Until Henry had an idea.

"The forest. She often goes there to think besides the docks." And they raced to the forest. Hopfully they'll find her soon.


After ten minutes of searching, Killian and Henry stood on a clearing. It showed Storybrooke but Emma was nowhere to be seen. That was until they heard sobs coming from the right.

They quickly ran towards them and what they saw broke their hearts.

Emma sat on the ground, crying and her gun in her hand. Killian signalled for Henry to wait there and slowly walked towards her. When he was close enough to touch her, she looked up, tears streaming down her face and compleatly pale.

She didn't move nor ran away, she just sat there, defeated and weak. Killian crouched down beside her and took the gun slowly away from her. Emma let him and as he embraced her, she let herself fall into his arms and relaxed a bit.

"I- I just couldn't do-o it," Emma stuttered and buried her face in his neck. He carressed her hair and kissed her head a thousand times. It was over.

She was safe now. In his arms.

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