pirate costume

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"Killian what the hell are you doing?", Emma exclaimed as she saw Killian with their three year old son Liam in a piate costume."Well ,love, you know halloween is coming soon and I want that our son has the most fun of his life so I bought him this little pirate costume. Just look at how cute he is. Aren't you cute Liam? Yes you are.", Emma was shocked. She never saw Killian like this and if she says never she really means NEVER." Killian our son will have some fun. Especially now that you have bought him such a sweet costume. That was very sweet. Thank you.", and she really was thankful that he did that because Emma forgot that Halloween was even coming. And she was more surprised that Killian even knew what Halloween was. She never really celebrated halloween. She was always alone so she had nobody to celebrate it with. But now she had." Okay sailor, let's put our little pirate to bed so we can have a little fun ourselves.", Killain was up the stairs before she could even blink.

The next day Emma awoke to the sun shining through the windows. She opened her eyes in hope to see her dashing pirate but all she found was an empty bedside. She frowned and got up. There was a note beside the bed.

Hey love

I'm out with Liam. Will be back later. Love you.


Surely Killian wanted to show everyone Liam's new costume. They were so adorable. While they were away, Emma cleaned the house, went to the sherrif's station and ate lunch. She was wondering where Killian was. She walked to the docks and spotted the Jolly Rodger. Maybe he was playing with Liam on his ship. She heard a laugh coming from the Jolly. There was Liam playing with a little puppy. Killian
Stood on the side and watched them.
"Mommy!" Liam ran towards her, just like the puppy. After she embraced Liam and patted the puppy's head, Killian kissed her hello." Why is our son playing with a puppy?", Emma questioned and Killian scratched behind his ear." Well, love, Liam wanted a dog and you know I can't resist him so here we are." Liam was laughing so hard as the puppy rolled over the deck." What's his name?", Emma asked."Jolly. Like the Jolly Rodger of course." Emma just smiled.
She couldn't stay mad at them when their son had so much fun.

"Well, let's present our new family member to the rest of the town."

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