The Thrill Of The Kill

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Do you ever wonder what leads a murderer to kill? What drives them to end someone's life without a second thought, and what makes them think they are completely justified in their actions?

My life is reasonably average. Well, it was, until that inexplicably heinous accident that caused me to lose my job. It's hard to bring in income to your wife when you can't even get out of bed for nearly two months, but the school would never allow someone so violent to continue teaching first graders. The cops tell me, "Don't worry, Evan. It was self-defense. You have no reason to be worried about it, it was the right thing to do in that situation...Blah blah blah..." That's not what has irrevocably derailed my sanity though. The reason I'm going completely off my rocker is the not-so-simple fact that I want to kill again.  

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