Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning

Zayn can't help but be worrying in his classes all morning, he hasn't heard from Liam all morning, and although he knows that means everything with Bella is fine, he can't help but be distracted. "You okay?" a voice asks, jolting Zayn out of his thoughts, looking up to see Emily her hair now dyed a vibrant pink, instead of the purple it was previously. Zayn nods, as he continues to pack up his stuff to go meet Louis (and probably Harry) for lunch, "yeah, why?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Emily giggles "you've just seemed distracted this morning is all" she shrugs and Zayn sighs, "I kinda am, but it's all going to be fine, I'm sure" he explains. Emily nods, "well if you ever need anything Zayn, you know you can talk to me right?" she asks, and Zayn smiles nodding, "thanks Em" he murmurs. Emily nods and grabs her bag before meeting back up with her friends.

Zayn's pulled out of his own head again, by a chip hitting him in the face, "earth to Zayn" Louis calls and Zayn shakes his head, "sorry what?" he asks. Harry laughs and Louis sighs, "what is up with you, you've been distracted all day is everything okay?" he presses. Zayn bites his lip, "yeah, I just have a weird feeling something's going to happen to Bella today" he answers. Louis and Harry both make a face, "something like what?" Harry asks slowly and Zayn shrugs, "I have no idea. She's at the office with Liam, he promised he'd take her, and I just keep getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen today while she is" he explains. Louis and Harry both nod, before Louis reaches across the table to pat Zayn's arm, "Mum would say you're having mother's intuition, or would it be father's? I don't know it's not the point, but I'm sure Bella's fine with Liam and if something does happen he'll call you" Louis murmurs. Zayn nods "yeah you're right, I'm sorry guys" he mutters. Harry grins, "it's alright Zayn" he says and the three of them go back to eating their lunch and talking about nothing.

Zayn manages to focus enough to make it through the rest of the day and get to work, without worrying too much. Liam had texted him after lunch to tell him Bella had fallen asleep curled up under his desk while he was out at his meeting. Zayn laughed, saving the picture Liam sent with the text of his daughter curled up asleep under his boyfriend's desk, to his phone. Zayn parks, heading in through the back entrance to punch in, where he runs into Talia, "hey Zayn, how's things?" she asks as she punches herself in, before stepping aside to let Zayn do the same. "Oh you know same as always" Zayn answers, stepping away to tie his apron onto his hips and look at the schedule for the night, just as Josh, Harry and Perrie all pile into the room to punch in for work. "Looks like it's you and me in the dining room tonight" Talia winks, and Zayn laughs, nodding, seeing that he and Talia are serving, Harry is the host, and Perrie and Josh are in the kitchen. "You guys ready for this?" Josh asks and they all nod, "let's do this" Harry jokes, all of them laughing lightly, before heading towards their assigned sections ready to start the night, and Zayn can't help the nagging feeling he still has that something is still going to go wrong.

Zayn's only thirty minutes into his shift when Harry approaches him, the phone in his hand, "Zee, it's for you, I'll cover your table" he says slowly. Zayn furrows his eyebrows confused at who would call him on the work phone, and hands Harry the coke he just filled before taking the phone. "Hello?" Zayn asks, slowly, "Hey, Zayn?" a female voice asks. "Yeah, who is this?" Zayn asks carefully, the voice sighs, "Zayn it's Elise" she answers, "hey Elise why are you calling me, shouldn't you guys be pretty much done now?" Zayn asks, glancing at the clock. Elise takes a deep breath, "yeah we were, but Liam asked me to call you, you need to get to the hospital, something's happened" she explains. Zayn's grip on the phone tightens and he can feel his heart stop as tears prick his eyes, "what happened, is everyone okay?" he asks, knowing the answer already if he has to go to the hospital. "Zayn I'm so sorry, I should let Liam tell you. But something's happened to Bella, and you need to go meet them at the hospital. I'm sorry" Elise rushes out. Zayn bites his lip "oh God is my baby okay?" he asks, "Oh Zayn, as far as I know Bella will be fine, just you need to go be with her" Elsie coos. "Yeah, okay, thanks for calling me" Zayn answers, hanging up before Elise can respond, as a few tears slip down his cheeks.

Zayn turns to find someone, he needs to leave, now, and bumps directly into Talia, who takes one look at him and wraps her arms around his waist. Zayn burrows into his friend for as long as he's worked at the restaurant, "what happened?" Talia murmurs, pulling away to look in his eyes, "Liam's assistant just called me, something's happened to Bella, I need to get to the hospital" Zayn mumbles, as a few more tears slip down his cheeks. "Go" Talia insists pushing him towards the doors, "Harry and I can cover the dining room, you go be with Liam and Bella. Just let us know how she is, okay?" Talia insists. Zayn bites his lip before nodding, "thank you, I will" he calls as he runs out into the parking lot tossing his stuff onto the passenger seat as he quickly pulls out and heads towards the hospital.

Zayn makes it to the hospital quickly, parking his car and running towards the building, the only problem is he has no idea where to find Arabella and Liam. Spotting the information desk Zayn rushes over, "I need to know what room Arabella Malik is in" he pants, the girl behind the desk looks up at him, "and who are you?" she asks. Zayn growls low in his throat, his baby is here somewhere and he doesn't know what's wrong with her and the volunteer at the desk is giving him a hard time. "I'm her father" he hisses, and the girl rolls her eyes, "uhuh, do you have I.D.?" she asks snapping her gum, and Zayn growls again, pulling his wallet from his pocket and throwing his driver's license at the girl, who looks at it, than at him, before checking something on her computer. She smiles lightly as she hands the card back to Zayn, "I'm sorry, Mr. Payne just told us not to let anyone but you into the room, I had to be sure" she apologizes, and Zayn feels slightly bad for beginning to lose his temper, of course Liam would make it so no one could get to Bella, "it's okay, I understand. Sorry for snapping" he mumbles. The girl waves him off, "it's fine, she's in room 512, take the elevator up" she tells him and Zayn smiles, "thank you" he mumbles before he's rushing towards the elevator and his baby girl. 

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