Chapter 31.

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Maya's pov.
It's been 5 days and Riley hasn't left her room. Not for a single thing. Even when it's dinner she doesn't come down, Topanga has to go to her room and give to to her, each time convincing I'm not with her. She won't come to school so I sit alone. I messed up big time.

I get up and knock on her door (Do you wanna build a snowmannnn kidding lol) "Riley.. Please we need to talk."

"Go away (Ana) Maya!" I sigh (OK bye.. What is wrong with me lol) "no Riley, you've been trapped in your room for 5 days, you need to come out some time! Please can we talk"

I hear her get up and I feel hope go through me but all I see is Riley's friendship ring slide under the door. I have officially lost her.

Tears fill my eyes but I forced myself not to let them full. "Riley, please..." I hear groaning and the door finally clicks unlocking and Riley opens the door "what" she says angrily.

"Baywindow now!" I say walking in and sitting down at the baywindow. Rileys room was pitch black and the curtains were closed.

Riley walks over and sits down at the baywindow but sitting as far away from me as possible. "Why don't you just go back to your boyfriend" she says coldly.

"Riley, he's not my boyfriend, never has, never will. We just got caught up in the moment but it won't happen again, I love you riley.. Just please..."

Riley shakes her head "no, I'm not risking heart break ever again. I prefer being alone in my room. Now if you don't mind, get out of my room."

I sigh, I thought the baywindow will save us.. But I guess nothing can.
I wake up in the middle of the night, since the couch isn't the most comfortable place to sleep and I get up to go to the bathroom. Someone was obviously already in there since the light was on so I waited.

I heard sobbing's and I heard something fall to the ground. I try to open the door but it was locked. I saw blood coming through the door "shit" I whisper and I start kicking the door opening until it opens.

I see Riley lying on the ground in a pool of blood with a knife in her hand, one for cutting meat from the kitchen. "Topanga! Cory please help!" I scream and I grab towels and remove her hand and I hold it firmly on the wound.

I heard Riley chocking the words "I- al-ways.... Loved y-ou.." Riley closed her eyes. "NO" I screamed and Topanga came in and her eyes widen and I See Cory calling the ambulance.

*Flash back Rileys pov.*
Tonight I'm going to put a end to this mess. I can't believe Maya cheated on me, with a fuckboy! I thought me and her could be like Cory and Topanga but I guess there's only one of them.

I still love her yes.. But after the performance I pulled I bet she's back with Max. I sneaked into the kitchen when everyone was finally asleep.

I saw Maya sleeping on the couch and tears filled my eyes. I walk over to the couch and kissed her forehead. "I will always love you Maya.. No matter where I am" I whisper then I get up and go back to the kitchen.

I go over to the knife holder and pick up the biggest meat cutting knife. I hold it in my hands and I go to the bathroom. I lock the door and turn on the light.

I sit down on the ground and I start crying. "I love you Maya..." I say and I pull my arm to the air and pulls it back down into me full speed, pain shooting through me quick. it went right into my stomach and I was bleeding out fast. The room was getting blurry and then the door crashed open revealing Maya.

What have I done.. I can't leave yet, I love Maya.. I need to be with her.. She presses towels up against my wound and held it down firmly. "I-always.... Loved Y-ou.." I manage to say before my eyes closed and I saw darkness.

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