"Thank you," she whispered to him before slouching back herself. 


Outraged by his failed plan, Trask hurried off back to his mansion, hoping to cool off before returning to his bunker. 

His breathing was a ragged mess by the time he entered his home, and in his rage, Trask threw the closest vase near him against a wall. The glass shattered completely, spilling across his marbled floor. The front door swung open, and two of Trask's men ran in, their guns in hand. 

"Can't I be angry in peace?! Go outside and shoot something! You morons," he ushered them out, then slammed the door shut. 

Nothing was panning out the way it was supposed to be, and Trask didn't know what else to do. 

Markus--his best man--was nowhere to be found; the rebel group of mutants had magically disappeared, leaving no trace; the blueprints he had memorized still made no sense to him. Everything that Trask had spent doing for the last 15 years felt like a waste of time. 

All of his efforts to try and protect humanity seemed pointless, and the fear of losing, of letting humanity die, saddened him. As if it were his fault that mutants roamed the earth. 

In the sanctuary of his study, Trask poured himself a drink, savoring the burning sensation as the Scotch traveled down his throat. The drink managed to soothe him, and he walked over to the balcony doors, admiring his quiet estate. 

Katarina hadn't called him in days, but he didn't want to bother her. She was safer where she was, and he hoped when she did return, he'd have things figured out.

His daughter was out living her life, working hard, and all Trask wanted was for her to continue doing that, but in a world where her safety wasn't in danger. He would do anything to protect Katarina, even if she was what she was. 

Finishing his second drink, Trask slumped down on his couch, touching the medallion around his neck. It's beautiful color of gold still held a bright appearance, even after all of it's years of exposure to the elements. 

Our of pure curiosity, Larry took it off to give it a closer look. 

"Never take this off, son. Do you understand?"

His father's words echoed in his head as he stared at the medallion, but Larry just chuckled. The Scotch had relaxed him a lot faster than he had anticipated, and it had been a while since he had a good drunken night, and he figured since he was alone and his life was falling apart, he'd keep drinking. 

He placed the medallion down on the coffee table and stumbled over to the small bar. As he poured another drink, he began to feel dizzy. 

"Shit," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his study disappeared, and he was outside. Confused, he closed his eyes again, and when he opened them up, he saw Katarina in front of him, her beautiful smile making him forget about what was happening. 

He moved forward to touch her, but her eyes flashed over in  what looked like flames. The glass in his hands slipped from his hands and it shattered on the floor beside him, pulling him out from his hallucination. 

When Trask looked down, he saw the glass on the hardwood floor of his study. The dizzy feeling returned, and he made his way back over to the couch and sat back down, grasping his medallion. Before laying down, Trask put the medallion back on, feeling a slight sting on his neck as it set itself in place. 


Emma stood near the front of the jet, thinking about the mutants, and how she'd have to find another safe place for them after the fight. If they took Trask out, that didn't mean they'd be able to go out and live their lives, it just meant they had a target off of their backs. They were still mutants living in a world with humans who were still struggling to understand. 

For as long as she would live, she'd fight for her people and give them the equality they truly deserved. No mutant should ever live with so much fear and self-hate, not like she did when she was younger. With time, the mutants would be accepted. 

Tony came out from the side, double checking his suits for the third time, and stopped beside Emma. She acknowledged him, but felt her mind travel back to the mutants. 

"Usually when you're in deep thought, it either means you're worried about something, or you're thinking about me naked. Mind telling me which one it is?" She rolled her eyes at him, but appreciated his attempt to make her feel better. 

"For a man your age, I'm surprised you still know how to flirt."

"My age? Ouch," he brought his hand up to his chest and shook his head. "Emma Frost, just admit it, you were thinking about me naked." 

"Tony Stark, do I need to call your lady and tell her how foolish you're being?" she taunted, and Tony's smirk vanished. 

"You wouldn't dare."

"Have you met me?"

"Okay, well, then if you weren't thinking of my amazing physique, then you were thinking of something else. What is it?" The warmth in her cheeks went cold, and she turned her head to look over at her people. Her most trusted mutants were inside of that jet, and most of them were still young, still learning. "Emma, everyone here is capable of protecting themselves, you know that. You've got a strong army waiting for us and you have the Avengers with you. Whatever you're scared of--"

"They look up to me for guidance and protection, and here I am sending them off into a battle that will most likely cost them their lives. That weight, it's sitting on my shoulders and I don't know what I'll do if this night turns out to be the biggest mistake I've ever made." 

"You said so yourself: this is our only chance to take Trask down, and I trust your judgement. We've got one hell of a chance to come out of this with a win." 

Emma sighed, looking over at Tony and nodding her head. He joined Clint up front in the cockpit, and she took a seat beside Storm, resting her legs after an hour of standing around. As she sat quietly, she caught Catseye and Havok arguing once again, and it made her smile. 

For a very long time, Emma had praised this group of mutants for being so loyal to her, but it wasn't until then that she realized just how loyal they were. 

They loved her.


A/N: This is a short chapter, and a little boring, so I apologize:( 

But it's the weekend! Which means I'll be updating again either tomorrow or Saturday, and I promise that chapter will be a lot more exciting aka more Steve/Wanda:D

Classes have begun for me and I'm taking 4 classes this semester and I am already so exhausted, but I will always make time to update this story for you guys! Once again, I'm sorry for how short and boring this chapter is! I'll make it up to you guys!

Agony (Wanda Maximoff)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat