Kneel Before Me (Loki x reader)

Start from the beginning

"I should...go..." your voice faded, but your feet didn't move and your gaze never left his.

"Say it again."

"Loki...I don't think I should be here." You finally willed yourself to turn away and towards the door, determined to not look back, but as you reached the door, his voice beckoned to you one more time.

"(Y/N), a battle is about to begin. Nothing can stop that." He pushed himself as close to the glass as he could, both of his hands pressed against it as if he could feel you through it. "Though I mean to rule, I would sacrifice myself to protect you. I will not see you hurt because of my own actions."

Taking the opportunity to use the moment, to use his emotions as a gamble, you walked to him and pressed your hands against his. He closed his eyes and smiled slightly, content at the action even if he couldn't touch you. "Then stop it, Loki. Stop it now."

"There is no stopping it. There is only the war." He pulled his hands down and turned away, his head lowered slightly. A few moments passed before he turned back, his expression sad and his face looking almost human now. "Will you be at my side?"

You opened your mouth to reply, not even knowing what words were about to be spoken, when the ship jolted violently and alarms began to sound. You were knocked to the ground by the force, slowly standing again as the ship steadied. In the distance, though not as distant as you would like, you heard the Hulk's growl and ran for the door.

"No! (Y/N) do not go out there! They will kill you. And it will be by my command."

"Then so be it," you replied, quickly leaving his sight, a pain growing in your chest at the sound of his screaming your name as the door shut behind you.

Part 2 

"Agent Coulson is down."

You were sitting on the floor next to him when the light left his eyes, your hand over his when it dropped away lifelessly. Reaching up slowly, you touched the side of his neck, waiting...waiting...waiting to feel something, but there was no pulse there, no heart beat that would give you or Fury any hope. "Nick..."

"Medical team is on it's way to your location."

"They're here. They called it," Fury replied in a solemn tone. He looked at you, watching you wipe Coulson's blood from your hands and onto your uniform, feeling completely helpless. "So now what, agent (Y/L/N)? I'm open to ideas."

You took a deep breath, clearing your mind of the anger and hatred that filled you in this moment, having watched as Loki cut your friend down. Remembering the audacity of him trying to lure you away with him, and the look in his eyes when he was rejected. The only reason that you were still alive was because he believed that he cared for you. Right now, you couldn't believe that Loki was capable of anything more than evil.

"Director, this was never going to work if they didn't have something..." you paused, searching your mind for the answer, "if they didn't have something to bring them together. Something that made the fight worth it enough to be a team." You glanced down as the medics lifted your friend from the floor and onto the gurney to take him away, suddenly seeing the answer clearly in front of you.

"I think we might have it now."


This had to work. If the team had any chance of stopping Loki or this army that he had ready, you needed to get the Avengers to work together. "Alright, Phil, help me out," you mumbled to yourself as you opened his locker, pulling the small pile of Captain America trading cards out and into your pocket. You closed the door gently, leaning forward to rest your forehead against it, taking a moment alone to say goodbye to your friend and mentor.

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