Sleepyheads (Avengers x reader)

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Every morning was the same; you would be awake before the rest of the team, make enough coffee to satisfy even the caffeine-addicted Tony, then ask JARVIS to wake them all up. You had become their personal alarm clock, but that wasn't what you had signed up for when you joined the team. But, if it had to be you, then why not mix it up a little?

Tony: It was no secret that Tony would still have the occasional nightmare, and when they happened he would escape to his lab. Waking up Tony was a bit tricky, because he rarely ever slept in the first place, and when he did it was hard to actually catch him. The first time you had the chance to wake him, you stood at his door for several minutes and watched as he slept. He looked smaller somehow, curled up and holding his pillow under his head. You thought of all the ways to surprise him or have fun with how to wake him, but all you wanted to do was give him a gentle start to his day rather than by a jolt reminiscent of the way he woke from those bad dreams.

He always slept facing the door, as if he felt safer seeing any threat that might come through it. You quietly entered and shut the door slowly behind you, walking around the bed to the opposite side. Once you were next to him, you weren't sure what to do; it felt strange to be there. Propping the pillow up against the headboard, you sat back and watched him for a few more minutes. Finally, you began to run your fingers through his short hair in a calming and rhythmic pattern. He opened his eyes almost immediately and rolled over to see you. He didn't question why you were there or what you were doing; he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head against your stomach to fall asleep for another hour, your fingers still in his hair.

Your plan to find a fun way to wake Tony had failed, but instead you found a way to help him. It was never mentioned outside of his room, but when he was having trouble sleeping, he would call you at any time of night to sit with him and hold him until the nightmares were gone.

Steve: Steve was the easiest of all. You could usually get into the room without waking your best friend, but with his enhanced sense of hearing it was never a guarantee. Normally you would sit on the floor next to him, believing that he might find it awkward for you to be in his bed. He was so easy to wake that it was enough for you to put your hand over his, or stroke his cheek, or slowly run your hands through his hair. You didn't mind the vantage point at all either, allowing you to prolong looking at him while he was so peaceful and so damn attractive. Each time you woke him, the two of you would stay this way and talk for hours before beginning the day.

Today you thought you might try something a little different, feeling like you had been in his room for enough mornings to be comfortable now. Ever so carefully and very slowly, you got into the opposite side of the bed, moving just behind him but not close enough to make any contact. You were going to say something clever, or something just funny enough to wake him with a laugh, but as you leaned in to whisper you were caught off guard. Steve had known you were there, rolling you onto your back and now looking down at you with an expression that you had never seen on him before.

"Too shy, or too scared?"

Thor: Thor snored. Thor snored enough to shake the walls, but you knew that he would deny it if you ever tried to call him out. It certainly made it easier to sneak into his room however, knowing that you could probably drop a grenade at his feet and barely get a response. You weren't as close to him as you were the others, given that he spent only a short time in the tower with each mission, returning to Asgard as often as possible. It didn't help that he was an actual god, and it was honestly a bit intimidating.

You gathered your resolve to do this and climbed into the massive bed, marveling at the size of it; of course, with an actual god lying in it, it had to be accommodating. As he continued to snore loud enough to wake every realm, you took some time to braid his long, blonde hair into several long sections and found it oddly soothing. This could easily become a morning habit. Finally having to wake him before it got too late in the day, you leaned in closer and smirked to yourself as you whispered just loud enough to be heard.

"I put the hammer in the elevator."

Bruce: Nope. You don't wake him up. He has his own routine and it's just safer for everyone that way.

Clint: After each mission, Clint would sit in the jet, rubbing his hands as he removed his gear, complaining that they had started to ache more and more. After the customary joking from everyone that he was just getting old, you could see in his eyes how it really began to bother him.

When you walked into his room, you almost ruined the whole thing, knocking your foot into the bow and quiver he had left in the middle of the floor after the late night return from the last mission. Catching yourself on a chair next to his bed, you cursed him under your breath, wondering how he could still be asleep through all of the noise you were making.

You took a deep breath and sat in the same chair that had just saved you from landing on the floor, and leaned forward to take one of his hands in yours. His fingers were rough, but not so much that they were worn and his fingernails were neat and clean; they looked like the hands of someone who knew the meaning of hard work and practice. As you slowly began to massage the first hand, taking the time to gently relax the muscles and joints of each finger and into his palm, you looked at your friend and worried that he was believing the jokes from the team.

"You're not old, Clint," you whispered. "You're just getting started. These hands have amazing things yet to do, I promise."

He began to stir a bit as you took his other hand and began the pattern all over again. His eyes fluttered open and he turned his head to look at you with confused and sleepy eyes. "This is new," he whispered. He watched silently as you finished, then held out his other hand for you to start over again. You slapped it away and stood to leave, but he reached out and grabbed your arm to stop you. "Hey, thanks (Y/N)," he said quietly, with an uncharacteristically shy look on his face. "Tomorrow?"


Natasha: Waking up Natasha with any sort of unplanned methods could prove to be hazardous for you if not done correctly, so you had to start from a safe distance and assess the situation until you knew there was no risk of bodily harm. You had been taught, by the very person you were currently watching, that even the best planning and surveillance wasn't a guarantee for a successful mission.

To this day, you have only tried to wake Natasha once.

You weren't sure if you had even actually made contact with her when your hand reached out for hers, it was all a blur and all over so quickly. She was standing with her hand wrapped around your wrist and the other around your neck within a split second, and you were landing hard on your back. You were able to kick your legs up into her stomach and throw her backwards over you, but when she didn't release your hand you went with her, flying into her dresser and shattering the mirror above it. When she realized what had just happened, she crossed her arms over her chest and could only shake her head at you.

"So, good morning?"            

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