8. Out of Bounds (Harry Potter)

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"Have you all gone bonking mad?!" Was what I wanted to scream at them all. What made them think that starting a new group of Death Eaters was going to fix anything? Who were we to follow either way! The Dark Lord was killed, this time for good. All of the Horcruxes were found, destroyed, and now it was history. Without a leader, what were his followers to do? Nothing. It was absolutely pointless to start another group. At least, that's what I thought.

"Is that my favorite niece?" I heard a familiar voice echo across the room. Turning my direction past my peers ahead of me, I see my aunt. Bellatrix Lestrange. Still as deranged as I remembered previously. If she had been over my house anytime soon, I would've missed it. The last time I completely could recall a visit from her was my third birthday. She thought giving me a rat was great fun for someone of my age. Isn't she the sweetest?

"Auntie Bella!" I faked my happiness, embracing the psycho manic before me. She was one of the Dark Lord's last and best lieutenants out there, why wasn't see taken? It didn't make sense to me that she wasn't in Azkaban, when she deserved to be more than my Father! Behind her, I saw the Vanishing Cabinet. Clearly, it wasn't destroyed. I wondered how they kept it so well hidden all this time.

"Els, it's about time you got here." She said to me, hugging me back briefly, before making her way towards the others. Her demeanor changed, she wasn't as unstable as before. She seemed more, menacing, depressed, upset. All the things to make you just the slightest bit crazier. "It's time for you..." She remained silent, to build up the tension. "To get initiated."

"What for? I want nothing to do with this." I huffed like a child, glaring at Blaise for bringing me her. He shrunk back in shame, behind Vincent and Gregory.

"On the contrary darling, you have everything to do with this." She spoke with confidence in her voice, a smirk played on her face.

"How so."

"You want your Daddy out don't you?"

"What does that have to-"

Aunt Bella cut me off mid sentence. She explained to me that our goal was to take down the greatest wizard of all. Dumbledore. Still, I hadn't seen how I was to be involved in this. If my brother wanted to be a part of this, then he could be. I wanted nothing out of this, I don't care what happens to the old man. When I asked how this had involved me, she told me once he was gone, my Dad would be out. I didn't dare ask why she didn't want to take out the Ministry first. I already knew. Before the Dark Lord's death, he had some form of power over the wizarding world. The Ministry were kissing the gravel he stepped on to stay alive. At least, that's what Draco had informed me one night. My guess was that the Ministry was still gathering themselves together, so all in all, they were vulnerable.

Not wanting to admit it, but I had taken interest in this whole operation the second my Father's escape was on the conversation. Though, I'm positive that Blaise, and Draco had noticed my sudden interest. My mind wandered over to Harry, how would he take it when he finds out I'm- No. I won't be. But should I throw my family aside for a boy I'm infatuated with? Not at all. Blaise tapped my shoulder, bringing me back into reality.

The initiation began.


It was the morning after the Yule Ball. People were gossiping over the latest news. Who had hooked up with whom, who wore the ugliest dress, who wore the prettiest. Who had looked the best, and overshadowed the others. My name was put in along with Fleur's, but I took no interest into what they had said. I was tired from last night's events. Who knew initiation took a lot out of you.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, giving me a small squeeze. Side glancing, I saw Blaise behind me. He gave me an encouraging smile. Nodding my head, I take my usual seat next to him. Harry beamed as he took a quick glance at me. Someone had to be happy after last night. He was so happy, he didn't even realize I wasn't as ecstatic as him.

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