5. Out of Bounds (Harry Potter)

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"You're late Miss Malfoy." Professor Snape's dull voice echoed into the classroom. Something in my schedule mixed up. Meaning, I had my class with Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs instead of Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Nobody wanted to fix it for me. Giving him a scowl, I ignored what he said, and took the first desk I saw that was empty.

He resumed class without deducting any points off from my house, and acted as if nothing was wrong. Not particularly caring for this class, I flicked at my neatly polish French manicure. Some girl with brunette hair, the one that resembled to Manon, whispered to Weasly.

"Of course she won't get any points deducted from her house." She whispered with distaste to the Weasly fellow.

"Just let it go Hermione." The redhead replied to his friend.

"Yeah, just let it go Hermione." Both of them turned to my direction, but it wasn't me who had said it. It was Harry Potter. Turning around to face him, I hid an amused smile from the rest of the class who was watching. Harry looked down at me, before giving his attention back to his friends.

"Mister Potter, you come fifteen minutes late into my class, I'd at least expect you to come in quietly." Professor Snape emphasized the word, 'expect.' "Fifteen points deducted from Gryffindor."

"Sorry Professor." Harry muttered, head down in shame as he sat in the empty seat next to me. He scooted away while I pretended that he didn't exist. Flicking at my nails some more, I pondered on which color I should use on my nails next. Red. Or black, I can't chose between the two. Maybe like a mixed color. Half and half. Except, I'll probably use purple and navy blue. Or just plain blue. I should add gli-

"Miss Malfoy." Snape voice cut through my planning. "Pay attention, or else I have no other choice than to give you detention." He gritted through his teeth. Setting my hands flat out on the table, I gave him a fake smile. This was my godfather after all, I knew a little teasing wouldn't hurt much. He rolled his eyes before swishing his robes around to face the board.

Class was a long, boring drag. The usual things to defend yourself. Blah, blah, blah. The second the bell rang, I fled out of the classroom as fast as I could. Only a few more periods till lunch. Freedom.

"Els." A voice called out to me as I made my way up the stairs. Turning around, I saw Viktor standing at the end of the steps. Biting my lip nervously, I ignored him and continued my walking. "Elsie Malfoy!" He called and I heard his footsteps running up to catch me.

"Oomph." I called out as the rails of the stairs hit my stomach when the stairs moved. Clutching onto the rails, I waited for the stairs to stop. The second they did, I ran to the floor it stopped in. He followed me.

"Elsie!" He called out to me as I rounded the corner. "Wait, watch out!"

My head was to his direction when he warned me. I was too late when I turned around. The hallway ended right then and there. Falling into the pit, I tried to grasp something, but nothing was there.

It felt like I had been falling for quiet a time. I actually checked the time to see how long I had been falling. Approximately five minutes. It wasn't so much of falling, as it was having wind being pushed past myself. But what do I know?

"Else Malfoy, get up." Viktor's voice sternly said to me as I felt a tap on my shoulder. Surprised I saw I was just laying down on invisible ground, and he was standing on it. Giving him a sheepish look, I stood up.

"Why have you been running from me Els?" Viktor's strong Bulgarian accent sunk into my ears. An honest look of confusion, and hurt swept over his eyes and face. Sighing, I explained to him the difficulties it would bring to me if anyone had found out about us. Keeping our relationship away from anyone attending Durmstrang was easy. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same, right off the bat they were noisy little buggers. Especially with my older brother being the pretty-boy, popular man he is, he'll hear everything. Not only will he hear everything I've done, but he'd take it to heart. By that I mean he'd have my head for what I've done. I was still his 'baby sister' whom he apparently 'has to always look out for.'

He never let me grow up.

I swear he was worse than Father ever had been. Once he found out I got my cartilage pierced more than once, he threatened to rip it out unless I do it. Needless to say, I was twelve and still very much afraid of him. My Father was the one who let me get it in the first place. Point blank of this situation is that he was just terrible whenever it came to anything related to me.

Having him find out I had lost my virginity to a guy, who was far older than I was allowed to date, would just be hell for me. Not only would he take manners into his own hands by teaching me a lesson, but then he'll tell my Mother. Then my Mother would think lowly of me. (Apparently, she had saved herself for Father for the day they married. That was bull.)

"I have to go." I backed away from him, not really wanting to be close to him that long. Temptation would just take over ever fiber in my body. His nice, big arms were silently begging me to run my hands over them, making their way up to his neck, and just end up with my arms wrapped around him. His pouty lips were teasing me, just there waiting for my lips to press his. My physical attraction to him never died out. Being near him would just trigger something. It honestly hurt to look at how hot he was.

"Fine." Viktor sighed, running his hand over face. "But this isn't over." He wagged his finger at me, before walking away. With that, I pursed my lips and headed off.

Walking absentmindedly around the school, I tried hard to remember where I was supposed to be. To no avail, I couldn't remember at all. So for the remainder of the the next couple periods, I just wandered. Lunch came by sooner than I had expected.

As fate has it, just as I was entering the room through the giant doors, Viktor, Dominique, and Harry appear out of no where. To make matters worse, Draco appeared. A glare was shared between him and Harry. Lustful eyes undressed me from Dominique, which disgusted me. Viktor seemed the only least bit...weird. He curtly nodded before heading in.

Giving Dominique a cold hard glare, her expression faltered slightly. Tugging onto Draco's sleeves, not taking my eyes off of her, I dragged him into the Great Hall. The both of us sat in our respective seats, and muttered profanities under our breath.

"So what was Viktor nodding at you for?" Draco asked with a sneer on his face, looking disgustedly at Viktor not too far away.

"Now I wouldn't know would I?" I lied to him, shrugging my shoulders. No matter who it was, whether it be my family or friends, nobody knew when I lied to them. Which was a gift on my part.

"That's just it Els, I think you're lying." Draco replied, turning his attention to me. Desperately ignoring Pansy, whom was clinging onto his arm as if she were about to die.

"Bugger off." I reached over Draco's lap to flick her on the forehead, like a misbehaving pet. Her face reddened with anger and jealousy, before unwrapping her arm. "Who's to ask what you fancy?" My question was to him.

"Stop answering my inquires with more questions." He was seemingly getting more and more pissed at me. Beside myself, Blaise snickered into his hand.

"Technically, she still is answering." Blaise defended me. We high fived under the table, snickering together. Draco glared at Blaise with extra malice.

"Now tell me why Pothead is staring at you." Pansy interjected our conversation, looking towards the Gryffindor table. The rest who heard that, turned their gazes to where Pansy's landed. My heart involuntarily skipped a beat when I saw the brightest green I've ever seen.


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