6. Out of Bounds (Harry Potter)

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Sending Harry a false glare, he got the hint I didn't want him to look at me. His eyes stayed on my glaring ones for one more moment, till he turned to converse with his friends. Relieved, I enjoyed the rest of my dinner peacefully. Upon making our way back to the common room, I wondered what Harry and I were. Friends? Or merely just two acquaintances? Outcomes of that situation raced through my head. Like what Draco my think about it, how everyone in school would react... (A Gryffindor and a Slytherin, it's bad enough as it is.)

Someone's elbow nudged my ribs, sending me back into reality.

"Elsie. You've been spacing out a lot." Blaise retorted, with a worried look across his face. A small smile crept on my face to know he cared for me. I place my arms around his neck, and pull him into a hug.

"I'm fine." I murmur, burying my head in his shoulders. He hugged me back, placing his arms around my waist.

"You know I won't judge when you tell me anything." When he said those words, I couldn't help but drift my mind back to Harry. Maybe I could tell him about that, I would have someone to vent my feelings off to.

"Blaise." Draco's harsh tone ruined our little moment. Turning to see the angry blond glaring at the two of us, Blaise awkwardly coughed. He let go of me, and wet towered his friend. Slightly shaking my head, I chuckled at Draco's reactions. This was one of his friends, and yet he couldn't even hug me. Sometimes, Draco's overprotectiveness was too overbearing.

"You bloody git." I joked as I walked back out of the Syltherin Common Room. My footsteps echoed the empty halls loudly as I made my way to the Astronomy Tower. Tonight was a beautiful one. Although, I could stress the fact that every night was beautiful, even the rainy ones. Leaning my body against the railings of the tower, I stared up at the moon and stars. The wind whisped my hair, and I listened quietly to the noise it made. I hadn't even noticed another presence behind me.

"Gorgeous isn't it?" Harry's familiar voice rang in my ears. "The night sky, I mean." He stepped closer towards me, and leaned against the railings as well. Taking one last metal look up at the brightest star I could find, I turned to Harry. Even his eyes were brighter than the one I had just seen.

"Of course they're gorgeous!" I was baffled he would even ask just a horrendous question. "There's nothing else like them."

"You seem to be fascinated by them." Harry pointed out as he moved his body sideways to face me. I followed his lead in doing so.

"I've always liked them since I was a child." It was true. Just before I went to bed, I would always get out from under my covers to gaze up at the sky. It was an old habit that never died. "Every night, when I was younger, my Mother used to tell me the same story. About how the stars came to be."

"Really? That's fantastic." He gave me a small smile, which I returned. It faltered when I remembered the reason that she stopped telling me them. Harry took notice to this and asked what was wrong. I had told him how one night, when I was seven, everything just seemed to hit me. How my Mother had been more distant with me. My Father's Death Eater duties affected my family more than it ever did, my brother started getting colder than usual, and my world basically fell apart. That one night made me realize that. "What happened that night to make you realize it?"

"An epiphany." I shrugged my shoulders, brushing off the useless memory. What's past has passed. No need to worry about it in the present. Harry nodded his head before turning to look up at the stars once more. "What are we Harry?" I asked him after awhile of silence. Tearing away from the beautiful view, I look at Harry. "Friends? Acquaintances?"

"I'm afraid that if I say friends you'll hit me." Harry joked after a moment of thinking it over. I let out a small, amused chuckle when he said that. Punching his shoulder lightly, he pretends that I hit him really hard. "Ow! You see what I mean?" He laughs along with me.

Out of Bounds (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now