Chapter Twenty-Four

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           Before he could respond, my phone starting ringing. I got up and found it in the kitchen. Noticing that it was Alanna's school, I quickly answered. "Hello?"

           "Miss Bennett?"

           "Yes, this is she."

           "Hello, I'm Elizabeth Sexton, the school nurse. I've got Alanna here and she's complaining of a sick stomach and headache. I've given her some Tylenol but I think it would be best if she goes home."

           I nod. "Alright, I'll be there momentarily." I hang up and look to Brock. "We've got to go get Alanna. She's sick." Within seconds, we were out the door and in the car. Alanna's school wasn't far from where we lived, so it didn't take long to get there. I left Brock in the car as I went inside and checked her out. "Are you alright, dear?" I ask as we walk out of the school.

          She smiles. "I'm fine! I wanna see Brock!" She adds.

           I look at her funny. "Brock? How'd you know?"

           She chuckles. "Nana can't keep a secret." I roll my eyes as we walk back to the car. Brock was standing outside waiting for us. She runs toward him and jumps as he catches her. "So, you aren't sick are you?"

           She smiles shyly. "No, but I did have a headache earlier. It just went away." I sighed and shook my head. Alanna was never one to actually want to miss school, until Brock came around that is, and I couldn't be mad at her.

           Brock looked at her and grinned. "Did you fake sick just so you could see me?" She nods as he laughs. "Well, I'm honored but don't make it a habit."

           The entire ride home, Alanna asked Brock about the horses and how they were doing. She still asked about Boris and he assured her that he was fine. When we got home, she ran inside and put her backpack down before sitting on the couch with Brock.

           "So, I wanted to ask you something, Alanna. Do you know where South Dakota is?" Brock asks.

           She nods. "Uh huh. It's up north."

           "Yeah and my parents live there and they are just dying to meet you and your mom. I was hoping that you'd be able to go with me this weekend to visit them."

           "Do they have horses?"

           He shakes his head. "No, I'm afraid they don't. But they do have cows."

           She smiles. "I like cows. Mommy, can we go? I've never been up close to a cow before."

           I wanted to laugh but I held it in. "If you want, we can go."

           Brock continued. "But that isn't all we wanted to ask you, is it Casey?"

          I glared at him for throwing me under the bus but knew I had to go along with it. "Yeah. Uh, Alanna, do you like your house?"

          She glanced at Brock, then to me. "Yes, mommy. Why?"

          "Well, Brock and I were talking and he was telling me about a house that's for sale beside of him."

          Her eyes grew wide. "We're gonna live beside Brock and the horses? Are we really?" She yelled.

          "No, no. Just wait. He was telling me about this house and I haven't even seen it yet, I just wanted to know what you thought. If we moved, we would have to leave this house and move to Minnesota. Your friends and Nana and Papaw will stay here."

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