Chapter Two

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I stared at Paul for what seemed like an eternity. For a second, I thought I heard him wrong, was my mind making this up? I thought I was crazy but when he spoke again, I knew I wasn't imagining it. "We really think you two could be a great team and the best part is, you don't even have to say anything, if you don't want to. Heyman has agreed to take you as another advocate. You'll be just like Brock, your actions will speak louder than your words."

          "You mean he knows? You already told them?"

          He shakes his head. "Well, not exactly. At this point, I've only mentioned it to Heyman and the creative team. I didn't want to take it to Brock until I got the okay from you. I know you've wanted to come back for a while and now that Alanna is older, I think it's the right time."

          My mind was racing. I was honored to be given this opportunity, but was it really the right time? "I'm really honored but how do you know? I mean, I'm all she has and I don't want to leave her with her grandparents every day."

          "No, no, no. You won't be gone all the time. You'll only be needed for televised events, so you'll only be working one or two days a week. You'll sign a contract for specific dates, that's all. No more going on the road for three-hundred days a year."

          I had to say, he was very appealing. "Okay, so what's the storyline?"

          "We're still working on that. We can't just throw you two into something with the rookies. Somehow, we've got to bring in someone who's earned it, someone who's proved themselves."

          I nod. "I completely agree."

          "So, are you in?"

          I sigh, contemplating my answer. "If Brock's in, I'm in."

          He smiles. "Well, let's find out, shall we?" I had no idea what he was talking about. Without another word, he stood up and opened the door. He spoke to someone and then motioned for me. "Follow me." I thought we were going to make a conference call so you can imagine my surprise when we walked into a locker room with Brock's name on it. I had no idea he was advertised for the show, but realized why Paul wanted me to come in today. "Brock, how's it going, man?" Paul opened the door and went toward the large man sitting on the bench.

          "Fine, going just fine." He responded.

          "Good. I just wanted to discuss something with you real quick." He adds, motioning for me to come forward. "I'm sure you know Casey Bennett." When he said my name, I stepped forward and Brock snapped his head toward me. He seemed surprised and unsure of what to say. "I had a meeting with our creative team a few days ago and a meeting with Casey earlier. We all decided that it was time to run it by you."

          He cocks an eyebrow. "Run what by me?"

          Paul sighs and stands in front of him. "You know our ratings have been falling lately, which is why you were called in tonight. Without our main roster to pull in the crowd, we're struggling to fill the seats. We need something new and fresh, and a way to pull in all of our viewers, male and female. We think we've found a solution to this problem and now that we've weighed our options, we thought it was time to bring you up to speed."

          Brock chuckles. "Well, I'm glad I'm the last in line."

          "You know what I mean. Anyhow, we've come up with a pretty good idea and we're still working out the details but we think you two should form a mixed tag team." Brock went quiet and glanced at me. I knew he wasn't too keen on the idea by the look on his face. "We aren't sure on the storyline yet, we're still working on your rivals."

          Brock finally looked to me. "I thought you retired? And don't you have a kid with Orton?"

          I glared at his name. "I went on hiatus to raise my daughter and I'm divorced."

          He seemed surprised by my answer. "Struck a nerve, huh. My bad." He looks to Paul. "What makes you think I'll go for this? I've never been in a tag team, I've always been solo."

          Paul nods. "That's true but I really think you two will connect. I mean, come on, she's like the female version of you."

          Brock chuckles as I glare. "Sorry, it's just I don't think it'll work. The fans want to see me as the beast with Heyman."

           Paul responds. "And you'll still be. You'll both be Heyman's advocates. Nothing will change with your character, we aren't looking for a romantic angle, we're looking for a strong tag team to improve our roster, both superstar and diva divisions."

          Realizing that we were serious, he sighed. "Does Heyman agree with this?"

          Paul nods. "Yes, he thinks it's best for business."

          "Look, I know how you feel. I wasn't too sure of it either, but the more Paul explained it, the more it made sense. When was the last time WWE really fueled a mixed tag team? The Hardyz and Lita? It's been too long and it's time to go back to our roots. The fans are screaming for the attitude era and I think it's time we give it to them." I was tired of arguing and I knew if I didn't speak up, we may not have a chance.

          Brock thought a moment. "How long has it been since you've been in the ring?"

          I shrug. "I won't lie, it's been a while, but it's not been that long to where I don't remember how. It's not something you forget and I know that you know that. I was a big deal way back when and I guarantee you that I've still got it."

          "Well, it's settled," Paul adds. "You two have the rest of the day to figure each other out. But tonight, at Raw, we're going live with this. I'm going to discuss it with creative and I'll get back to you." With that, he just left. He left me in a locker room with a not-so-thrilled beast.

          Brock stood and stared at me a moment. I think he was trying to be intimidating, but it wasn't working. "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not your babysitter, I'm not Orton. I remember how you two were in the ring and he rarely ever let you fend for yourself before you left. If you get yourself in trouble out there, it's up to you to get out of it. I'm not that guy."

          I shrug. "Same goes for you."

          That definitely got his attention, but instead of getting agitated, like I thought, he just laughed. "Yeah, okay. I'm sure I can handle myself without a blonde."

          I smirk. "Then we agree."

          "Yes, I suppose we do." He walks past me and to the door. "Meet me in the ring in thirty. I'm not going to put my name on the line until I know what you can do." He starts to leave before turning back to me. "And get out of my locker room."

          I walk past him and smile. "Yes, sir."

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