Chapter Seventeen

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           The judge seemed surprised but smiled. "Well, I'm afraid I can't order that." My eyes drifted to Randy whose face was as red as blood. He was shooting me daggers and pushed the table in front of him away in a swift motion as he rose from his seat. "Mr. Orton! Sit down before I have you arrested!" His fiancé came up behind him and whispered something as he took his seat and stared at the floor.

          I still couldn't believe that she said that, I mean I had never given her any ideas that we were or could be involved. No way. How did she come up with this? "Now, usually I adjourn the case and have my verdict sent through a letter but sometimes, I know the answer before the case is closed and right now, I do." He clears his throat as my heart quickens. "Mr. Orton, it appears to me that you've been an absent father since the child was born. You've had many years to change that and if you haven't by now, you won't. Ms. Bennett has raised a well-behaved daughter on her own and I see no reason as to why she shouldn't gain full custody over the child. Do you have any further comments?" He adds, looking to Randy.

           I sighed in relief as I engulfed Alanna and Sara in a hug. "No, your honor." His lawyer stated quietly.

           "Good. Under the state of Kentucky, I grant full custody to Ms. Casey Bennett. If and only if she sees fit that Mr. Orton may see the child, he may, but only under her supervision and rules. Court is adjourned."

           The bailiff asks us to rise as the judge exits the court room. I pick up Alanna as Sara starts talking again. "Congratulations, Casey! I couldn't be happier for you!" She hugs me again. "Now, if you need an attorney for anything at all in the future, you know where to find me. It has been a pleasure working with you."

           I thanked her before she exited the courtroom. Randy and his lawyer were next to exit and as they walked by, Randy shot me that icy cold glare. I heard Alanna grunt as I looked to her. She was giving it right back at him, which only made me laugh. She was her father's daughter, but she knew when to use it and when not to, just like I had taught her.

           Once Randy had disappeared, Brock joined us and Alanna looked back to me. "Mommy, I don't have to go back to school until Monday, right?" I nod. "So, we have two days free, right?" I nod again. "Can we go back and see the horses?"

           I started to respond but Brock interrupted me. "I think that's a great idea. The jet's waiting at the airport anyway."

           "No, no, it's fine. We can visit them some other time. I'm sure you have plans and besides, we just left."

           He shrugged. "So? All I do is work out and sit at home all day. That's no fun and besides, Willow has been whimpering a little, I think she misses Alanna."

           That done it. Alanna officially lost it. "Oh, mommy! I have to go! I can't let her be sad! She needs me!"

           "Okay, okay! But we have to go home and get our things." I agreed with her just to get her to settle down. As we exited the courtroom, Alanna got in between Brock and I and held our hands as we went toward the buildings entrance. When we walked outside, we were bombarded with cameras and people. "Casey, is it true that you got custody of your daughter?" One of them shouted as another got in Brock's face. "Is it true that you two are dating?"

           I was shocked and froze momentarily. How on earth did they know about this? Why the hell is paparazzi here? Brock took action as he picked up Alanna. "Don't let go of me." He muttered so only I could hear. He grabbed my hand as we pushed through the crowd. He ignored everyone's comments and did his best to hide Alanna's face with his jacket. When we got to the car, I mentally thanked myself for purchasing a vehicle with tinted windows. I got in the backseat with Alanna and kept her covered while Brock got up front and fought through the crowd of people who were now lining the parking lot. He revved up the engine as a warning and then gunned it toward the main road and trust me, they moved.

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