Chapter Eighteen

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           Okay, so he wasn't joking. Apparently, I was as blind as a bat because I did not see this coming. Granted, when I started really thinking about it, it did make sense. He actually allowed me to tag team with him, not to mention, he invited me out to his farm and he seemed legitimately worried when I got injured at the pay-per-view. I could list things for at least another hour and to think that I had never even thought of this before.

           Once I gathered my thoughts, only one word came out of my mouth. "Why?"

           He blinked a time or two before responding. "What kind of question is that?"

           I shrugged. "I don't know. That was the only word that came to mind."

           He sighs. "The reason I snapped at you when you mentioned calling Sable is because I don't want her back. Sure, I miss my kids but not her. I got over that a long time ago and I've always been one to believe that you shouldn't take two steps back when you've already took a step forward." He pauses. "Before you and Alanna came along, I was that beast on TV. I clocked in, clocked out, and came home. There really wasn't any fun left for me and then when Paul came in and introduced you to me, I honestly thought it was a joke because it was too good to be true. I was rough on you because I thought I could get you to crack and tell me I was being pranked. Then I saw you in that God awful outfit and figured this was real. I also saw you with Alanna and that done it."

           "Well, thank you, I guess, but wouldn't this be like really awkward? I mean, we kind of work with each other and then there's Randy..."

           He rolls his eyes. "Randy's already sealed his fate and if you think I'm afraid of that puny thing, you've got another thing coming. I was in the UFC for years and I've taken out the biggest, baddest people in the business. Besides, I don't do dates anyway."

           I was confused. "Okay, I know I've been single a long time, but somehow I still think dating is part of it..."

           He chuckles. "Well, yeah, but not in my book. The whole point of dating is to get to know the other person and you already know my baggage and I already know yours. As far as work goes, we can keep this between the two of us. You already know that I like to keep my private life private."

           "But if you don't go on dates, then you're not dating..."

           He sighs. "We're just going to spend time together, which we already do anyway. Nothing really changes and if it does, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Agreed?"

           He had a point. "Why do I feel like we're making an agreement? Like those Sister Wives people?"

           "Oh, don't get me started on them. That is disgusting."

           I smiled. "Then I guess we agree."

           "Mommy? Can I go see the horses now?" Alanna called from her room.

           Brock nodded as I responded. "Yes, dear."

           As soon as I gave her the okay, she came running down the hall with her cowgirl boots clacking on the floor. Brock and I escorted her to the barn as she ran toward the pasture, where the horses were grazing. Once Willow saw her, she came right up to Alanna and allowed her to pet her. "Oh, I missed you too." She added. "Where's your baby?" Willow butted her head toward the fence. Sure enough, Surprise was running and jumping around.

           Brock chuckled and looked to me. "She's been getting used to moving lately. She seems to amuse herself easily."

           I smiled and watched as the foal finally trotted toward us. "She's a sight, that's for sure and a hyper little thing." Since Alanna was keeping her occupied, Brock thought this was a good time to brush her since he couldn't keep her still enough to do so. Eventually, Alanna took over and Surprise remained still until she was finished.

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