Chapter Twenty-Two

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           Once we finished our promo, we headed back to the locker rooms. Brock and I agreed to get changed and then we would meet at the car. When I walked into my locker room, I had a little surprise waiting on me and it wasn't a good one. "Miss me?" Randy smirked as he lay back on the couch.

           "Get out of my locker room or I'll call security."

           He chuckles and raises up. "Security, really? Have you saw them lately? They're nothing but sad little boys."

           I glared. "I wasn't talking about company security." I got out my phone and scrolled to Brock's name. "If I call him and get him in here, I can't guarantee that you'll be wrestling tonight."

           His smirk disappeared. "Why are you hiding behind him?"

           "I'm not. I've dealt with you long enough and I've already won. If you refuse to leave me alone, I'll let him finish the job."

           He shook his head. "At first I thought this was some silly way to make me jealous but then I saw the interview... What do you see in him?"

           I was shocked that he was asking me this but I answered anyway. "Brock can be intimidating and being on his bad side is not recommended but he's been really nice to me since I started. He listens to me when I need him to and he's been there for me a lot the past few weeks."

          "You mean, he's been helping you take my daughter away from me?" I sighed, hoping this would just end already. He began to pace the floor and as he did, I sent Brock a 911 text. "I'll admit that I haven't seen Alanna as much as I should have but she's still my kid. Do you know how hard it was to hear her say that she'd rather Brock be her dad?"

            I nod. "I'm sure it was but whose fault is that?"

           As if on cue, the beast walked in and I say that because he was ticked. "I'm going to give you one chance to walk out of here in one piece. I would take it, if I were you." He says simply.

           Randy looks to the ground. "I didn't come here to fight with either of you. All I want is the possibility to see my kid again. I know that getting the tabloids involved was wrong and I'm sorry. I was frustrated and I didn't know what else to do. I don't want Alanna growing up hating me."

           I glance at Brock then to Randy. "I can literally count on one hand how many times she's seen you in seven years. I was the one who had to explain to her why daddy didn't come around. I had to tell her that you were busy working and maybe you'd get to stop by for her next birthday or next Christmas. You weren't there to listen to her say her prayers at night and pray that you would come back, so we could be a real family. I've had to listen and watch her practically beg for a father for years. I'm done with it, Randy. That child has been tortured long enough and I won't let you just show up one day and give her hope, just to disappear the next and never see her again. I can't and I won't. We divorced a long time ago, you're engaged now and will soon have step-children. Why is it that you can move on but I can't?" He doesn't say anything. "I'm employed with the WWE and I'm working with Brock. I don't care if you don't like it. We are employed by the same company and if you think that I'm going to quit just because you're in the same building, you're wrong. I'm not leaving and I will stay as long as they'll have me. I will continue to work with Brock and I will continue to visit him with Alanna. She can call him whatever she wants and perhaps one day, she will call him daddy. I'm done with you and I'm done being intimidated by you. Goodbye, Randy."

           Brock held the door open as Randy left. Once he was gone, I sighed in relief. I had never felt so empowered in my life. I had wanted to say that to him for years and now, I finally had.

           Once I changed, I met Brock in the hall as we started toward the car. "I was thinking... Alanna and I are always visiting you but why don't you visit us?" I ask as we pass by catering.


           I shrug. "Are you busy tomorrow?"

           He smiles. "Well, I think I can squeeze you in, but I'll need a favor."

           "And what is that?"

           He pauses as we come to the car. "My folks live in South Dakota and I promised them I would visit this weekend. My mom asked if you were coming."

           "Me? How does she know about me?"

           He chuckles. "Really? She may be old, but she isn't stupid. Her baby boy has been the talk of the news the past couple of days. Plus, her and my dad always watch when I'm on RAW. And I might have mentioned you and Alanna."

           I rolled my eyes. "Might have, huh?" He shrugged as I continued. "It's fine with me but you'll just have to ask Alanna when you see her tomorrow. I'm sure she'll have questions."

          "If you agreed, I'm sure she will. They're really nice people, you may even get to meet my brothers and sister. I'm sure they're dying to meet you."

           We rode to the airport in silence as I thought about what he had said. I've known Brock about a month now and I'm already meeting the parents. That's a big step and I hope they like me. He's also visiting the house tomorrow and that would be a first. A man hadn't stepped foot in my house since Randy, other than my dad, and to me, it was like my safety shield.

          Allowing Brock in my house was a big step. The walls of that house were symbolic to me and hopefully, all of this would let me move on with my life. Like I had told Randy, I was done allowing him to rule my life. This was me taking back what I should have a long time ago and nothing would stop me now.

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