Chapter Twenty-One

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           Once we were back to our locker rooms, we split up and got ready for the show. We weren't wrestling tonight but we were in a promo and it was very important to show the crowd that we were back and we weren't going anywhere. We hadn't been on TV since we won the titles, due to my little accident, which meant that we would be opening the show at the top of the hour.

           Since the show wasn't set to start for a while, I stopped by catering and ate some lunch. I couldn't help but notice that everyone was staring at me. They would constantly glance at me nervously and then quickly look away when I caught them. I wasn't sure what was going on, but it was making me nervous. Eventually, I threw away the rest of my food and headed back down the hallway. The nervous glances continued all the way to the locker room area and it was wrecking my nerves. I quickly knocked on Brock's door and heard him say, "Come in."

           I pushed the door open and slammed it behind me. "Do you know what everyone's problem is? They're all acting weird." Brock was sitting against the wall on the couch with Heyman beside him, and neither of them looked happy. "What? What is it?"

           Heyman sighed. "We may have a tiny, little problem to deal with..."

           "How tiny?"

           Instead of Heyman answering, Brock spoke. "Randy's here."

           At that moment, I felt like the earth had suddenly shifted and was turning the opposite way. I felt like all the things I had worked for were slipping away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "But he's injured?"

           Heyman shook his head. "The docs cleared him this morning. He's back full time per Vince McMahon."

           I face palmed myself. "Why can't I have a normal life?"

           Heyman attempted to comfort me. "We knew this would happen at some point. He's employed here like all of us, whether we like it or not. The interview and court documents have been sent to the media and it will be on news outlets everywhere within the hour. If he isn't taken well with the crowd, they may pull him from TV and you know as well as I do, that if that were to happen, it won't be long until they release him from his contract." He pauses. "For now, I want you both to stay here. I'm going to talk to Triple H and make sure he stays away from our TV time. The writers are going to want to make this a storyline and I'm going to stop that from happening right now."

           He disappeared from the room as I sat down in his place and faced Brock. "You still like me, huh?"

           He glanced at me. "What?"

           "You aren't a public person and yet, ever since I've been in your life, you've been just that. You've been in countless tabloids since Friday and you just did a big interview with me that'll probably have more hits on YouTube than the Super Bowl. Not to mention, my ex is never going to leave me alone and allow me to have a life."

           His scowl suddenly lifted as he looked me in the eye. "I would let a camera crew follow me around every day for the rest of my life, if it meant that I had a chance with you."

           To my surprise, I didn't look away. "I don't know what you see in me but whatever it is, don't let me ruin it. Randy is the one person who can get under my skin without saying a word to me, just the sight of him makes my skin crawl. I don't know what his plan is and I, honestly, don't want to know. And I never said that you didn't have a chance with me."

           He rolls his eyes. "Really? You would really get involved with me?"

           "Really? You would really get involved with me?" I mock. "Think about what you just said. You may have given me a rough time at first, but I called your bluff and you still let me stick around. You talked to my kid like you had known her for years and let us stay at your farm for several days, which only a handful of people can say. You let my daughter ride one of your horses and name a foal, without knowing her a week. You stayed with me in the medic room because you had a feeling that I didn't like staples and you stayed with me 48 hours after to make sure that I didn't have a concussion. You went to court with me when I needed a friend and stayed calm in the Alanna situation when I couldn't."

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