My Loving Friend

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I was standing around the field

Watching leaves blown by the wind

Trying to be happy and enjoy

playing only my dolls and toys.

You looked at my from the window

With that face that's so shallow

I smiled at you from where I stand

And gave you a wave of my hand

The next day I saw you at the playground

As I was walking on the same ground

I approached you and asked your name

You told me it and you did the same

We became friends since then

And try to make new friends

We grew up happy together

Thinking that it will be forever

You're always there when I need someone

When there is no one to come

You never fail to make me smile

Whenever I'm hurt and I cry

You are my partner in crime

when everything is not fine

I treasure you my loving friend

And I'll be here until the very end. 

Poem Collection by moonsandsmilesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon