2. How To Be A Queenpin

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I walked into the living room with pajama shorts and a tank top on, yawning as I sat on the couch with my father.

"Good morning mija" he said handing me a cup of coffee.

"Morning daddy" I said taking a sip. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I want to tell you the story of a famous queenpin. Her name was Jermeka Thompson a.k.a Muffin." he said getting comfortable.

I nodded and sat criss-cross on the couch,

"She rose to the top of the game during the peak of the 1980s crack epidemic in Los Angeles, California. She was evicted from her home at a young age,  determined to make money, and fast, she partnered with an older man by the name of 'Daff'. Together, they ran a successful cocaine-trafficking business in L.A. After several months in the drug game, she and Daff decided to expand their business by moving to a more in-demand drug, crack-cocaine. Shortly after that,Daff was killed while washing his car. Eventually, a devastated Thompson trudged on, continuing to expand the business she'd started with her late husband by making additional connections and moving into new territories throughout the United States. Around this same time, she also invested in an L.A.-based hair business, selling hair to celebrities, and traveling and holding shows to show of her products. Also during this time, she had begun dating a man known as "Cheese" who would later prove to be less than trustworthy, cooperating with authorities and snitching her out after the two parted ways. she subsequently fled L.A. and went into hiding. On the run for two years, in 1993, she finally decided to return to L.A. to attend her son's 6th grade graduation ceremony, where the FEDS, suspecting her attendance, were promptly waiting. She was arrested, tried on and convicted of charges related to drug-trafficking, and sentenced to 15 years in prison."

I sat with my mouth gaped open.

"Moral to the story; if you're gonna be a queenpin there are three very important steps: 

One: Never get caught slipping. Two: Don't trust nobody, not even the one you're romantically involved with. Three: and this is the most important one: always be cautious. It's gone always be someone trying to take ya spot and knock you off yo shit. Stay strapped at all times and never travel by yourself" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes thinking of how Brandon was probably sitting around the corner listening and smirking.

"Okay I think I got it" I said mentally squeezing everything he said into my brain.

"Good. Here is your very own black card" he said handing it to me. Put all the money from your safe deposit boxes on that and keep it with you"  he said before standing up. 

"Don't forget to be at the warehouse after school. We have a lot of training to do" he kissed my forehead and walked out. I sighed and got off the couch before walking down the hallway to my room. I bumped into Jordan and he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and went into my room, making sure to close the door before going into my closet.

I still wanted to be the same Anastasia and didn't want to wear anything to draw too much attention to myself but everything in my closet screamed "over the top". I decided on a white crew-neck with the raiders symbol on it, ripped black jean shorts, and some black and white Jordan's with a raiders snapback along with a few bracelets and a ring. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I grabbed my purse and phone and headed to my car, only to find Jordan in the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. He rolled his eyes.

"It's apart of the job so if you wanna go to school, I suggest you get in the car"

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