Part 21 - Finn's Friend

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2 months ago, Ben had left me.

1 month ago, I'd stopped waiting for him to come back.


The wood never changes.

The unmissable dirt on the ground,
the continuous rattle that the leafs make against their thin branches as the wind crashes ostentatiously against them,
the sunlight, temporality shadowed by the towers of trees surrounding me,

and I.

I never change.

I always have the same thoughts.

I always drag myself down the same routes, inevitably turning around at the sudden awakening that she may never want to see me again-

-hoping that I'll be able to go to her the next day.

Hoping that she'll still be there when I return.

Everything stays the same.

Nothing changes.

But I.

I realise now that I do change.

Every single day I've spent alone within this wood, I've felt myself change dramatically, against my own will.

Because every day I become weaker.

Weaker than I was.

How is this possible?

I need Rey.

She made me feel stronger.

But I'm not Jedi. I could never be a Jedi.

Therefore I can't allow myself to ponder on her any longer.

It'll kill me.



"Rey, come on. You haven't eaten a thing for weeks." I sigh, extending my arm for the hundredth time in an attempt for her to finally accept.
Rey looked a mess. I mean not even a hot mess, her hair hasn't been brushed, she was wearing her old clothes and she was pale.
"I'm not hungry."
I roll my eyes. "You can't just sit in his room you know? It's eating you up inside?" I demand, angrily. "Oh, and speaking of eating-"
"All I'm trying to say is-" I recover, throwing my hands up in defeat,
"-is that I'm not going to let you sit in there for the rest of your life. It isn't worth it, Rey. You're so much stron-"
"Finn." Rey protests, swiping at my arm.
"What? Shit-"
"I will eat with you in a moment." Rey says finally, before allowing the door to slide shut between us.

The conversations have been like this for weeks now.

I'd make an effort and she wouldn't see it.

If I ever see Ben again, I'll kick his ass for everything he has done to Rey.

It was all his fault.

All of it.

"Rey!" I demand, banging on the door with my fists. I couldn't let this go on for any longer. She needs to listen to me.

Because if she would have listened to me in the first place, none of this destructive romantic bullshit would have happened.

"Rey I'm sick of this. We're friends? You think you can just leave me because of Ben? You're not the only one who has been left behind, remember?" I shout irritably, bashing my fists against her door increasingly louder now so it was inevitable that she should hear me.

You left me, remember?

"No, I came back for you."
I jump, suddenly losing my balance as Rey's sleepless eyes scowl at me.
"What? Dammit, when did you open the damn door?"
Rey continues to scowl, folding her arms for extra measures.
"Wait." I blurt out, confused. "You can read my mind-"
Rey stares at me obviously.
"-through doors? Goddamn." I admire, smiling stupidly. Rey rolls her eyes, a small smile twitching at the edges of her mouth.
"Teach me that?" I beg, only half joking.
Rey stares at me flatly and unamused, her mind wandering to a place I clearly  can not access.

She looks so sad.

And that makes me feel sad.

She's your friend, of course you care, I remind myself forcefully.

If you loved Rey you wouldn't have feelings for someone else.

Suddenly relieved by this realisation I  stretch my arms out.
"Come here." I say, before pulling her against me.

I almost smile when she accepts, her limp body falling against mine.

I promise I'll try and help you.

Even if it means going to find Ben myself.

I'll do anything.



This chapter was - I literally don't even know where I was going with this. It's so random and short? I guess I just wanted to squeeze one out. It's a little forced I'll admit. Not my best, obviously. At least I'm honest.

Anyway I've written the next chapter and that makes more sense and focuses more on my general plot which is "reylo" (incase you guys hadn't caught on.)

Question: who has Finn developed feelings for?

Do you think there are other girls, apart from Rey, around?


Reylo - Save me (fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant