Part 11 - "You'd make a great Jedi."

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Morning came too quickly.

I awoke to the sound of her soft breathing, attempting a modicum of patience as I watched her chest rise in continuous rhythm.
Everything about her was perfect, and everything surrounding her clearly wanted to prove so. The way the sunlight melted onto her skin, barely taking notice to the open space around us, the way her hair stayed perfectly intact from the night before, despite the inevitability of it coming undone. 
It was almost as if the mere act of me just sitting here, marvelling at her with such fascination, that I was imposing on her.
I should have stayed away from her.
It was almost all too good to be true.
The site of her, a site sure enough to bode disaster within everything I've ever learnt; scared me.
She made me defenceless.
If I allow myself to become too attached to her, will I ever be able to accept the possibility of her running away?
The answer was no, of course. I had come completely unprepared, so infatuated in the idea of her and I that I hadn't bother merely contemplating a plan B.
To say that my actions have been reckless would be an understatement.
She turns to me, her eyes still squeezed tightly shut but her arms reaching out, inviting me in.
I suppress the urge to allow myself to fall into her, too deliberated within the moment.
"Good morning." She mumbles, placing one hand on mine. I hadn't noticed I'd placed my hand on her, but still welcomed the satisfaction.
"You look beautiful when you sleep." I say, then silently kick myself, coming to terms with how creepy it possibly sounded.
"I barely slept." She muses, sitting up to face me.
"Well you look beautiful nonetheless." I insist, squeezing her palm tightly.
Beautiful was almost an insulting description.
She was more, she was each and every synonym of beautiful combined.
"I had a dream," she begins, folding her arms subconsciously, "that you were a Jedi. A real Jedi. It was-"
She pauses, clearly wary of my possible reaction.
I laugh quietly, gently moving her hair to behind her ear, exposing her face.
God she was unfair.
"That sounds like an intriguing dream." I say, only half lying. The truth was, I too had contemplated the possibility of training as a Jedi. They weren't powerful though and I couldn't subside everything Snoke had taught me.
The thought slowly faded back into a silent fairy tail, too pointless to ponder on any longer.
"It was nice. You were great." She smiles.
"Better than you?" I tease, poking her cheek lazily.
Here we were, acting like an old married couple.
How did any of this happen?
"I woke up so I never found out." She says with only a slight sense of hilarity. I offer her a small grin.
"Rey." I say, an excuse to say her name.
"You don't think-" she stops, her voice suddenly hesitant. "Finn never wants to see me again." She finishes, blankly. I stay silent, unsure of whether any of my input would change how she's feeling.
"Rey, he won't stay mad at you forever. You know that." Is all I manage to say,  ignoring the part of me that wants to tell her it doesn't matter.
"I know that but-"
She stops again, turning away as if she wanted to discharge the conversation completely.
"He was my first friend." She whispers. "Real friend." She adds, as if she'd remembered someone else.
I pause, almost hurt by her obvious concern for him.
"I won't choose between you two."
"And I won't make you." I promise.
Although if the time came, of course I was hoping that she'd choose me, as I would choose her in a heart beat.
"Rey, I love you so much." I sigh, laying back onto the bed.
The mere thought of that idiotic storm trooper exhausted me.
She smiled, one of her real smiles.
"I think I love you too." She whispers.
Suddenly everything inside me froze.
"You mean that?" I ask, vaulting from my current position to lock eyes with hers.
"You don't have second thoughts? Not too long ago you were calling me a monster Rey, why are you saying things like this- surely - I mean its - it's all too rushed-"
"I do love you." She interrupts, pursing her lips with uncertainty.
I can't let this happen.
It isn't fair on any of us.
"Rey, please."
"Please what? I thought you loved me too." She says.
I'm almost torn by the hurt mirroring mine from her voice.
This was everything I'd wanted.
Yet everything I knew I shouldn't have.
"Of course I do." I whisper, suddenly drawn to her, how close she is, the shape her lips create when she's confused and the sudden tension between us.
Everything about her drew me in.
"Too much." I laugh, stupidly.
She stays silent, clearly finding my attempts of humour hard to appreciate.
"Then stop trying to scare me away." She whispers.
I want to tell her "I won't" but instead I show her.
Finally I let myself go.
It feels so insanely right that I almost invite this feeling in.
Love seemed ridiculous to me a year ago.
How blind I have been.
I gently press my hand to her cheek, pulling her into me so our lips intertwine softly.
It didn't match to our other kisses which were in fact forced moments of lust and uncertainty.
No. This one was different.
This one meant more.
I pull her closer, my hands exploring her waist carefully, as if she could break into pieces at any given moment.
She responds by swiftly - but with no rush - wrapping her arms around my neck, repositioning herself onto my lap in a way that was so innocent and perfect it made me feel dissimilar.
It was almost astonishing how her mere presence could effect me.
I pull away, taking the opportunity to admire her more intimately, resting my forehead against hers as we both laugh stupidly against each others faces.
It really was stupid, yet so wonderful.
"You're scaring me with all this sudden tenderness." She whispers, giggling quietly.
I respond by pecking her lips gently, making no attempt to hold back the smile forming from my lips.
"It's almost as if you're a whole different person." She pokes.
I laugh, rolling my eyes.
"You are completely taking advantage of me right now."
She laughs, pretending to be offended.
"You'd make a great Jedi though." She whispers, nestling her head into my shoulder.
I re-wrap my hands around her waist, welcoming her tightly.

In that moment, I believed her.

Ok fuck it I don't care anymore I wanted to capture the innocent//pure essence of their blossoming relationship and also go further into depth with my description as I've recovered from writers block (finally) and hopefully that's evident.

This was by far my favourite part to write. If you're reading this waiting for some hardcore reylo porn then keep reading

-I'm kidding.

AnYWAY how did u guys like it if u thought it was rad please vote and leave a comment !!!!

oh and follow me because you know you want to (;

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