Part 3 - Kylo Ren

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I hold my breath as the metal door slides open, exposing Kylo Ren's room.
I expected a cell, but this, he's living in luxury!

I walk in cautiously, carefully taking note of any sudden movements, my light saber at the ready. It isn't fair that he is able to live this way after all he's done. If I was Leia I would have disowned him, or better yet; exposed him.

Kylo Ren is not all he seems. I've looked into his eyes. I know who he really is.

I know how scared he is.

'Its you.'

I jump suddenly, spinning around to face Kylo Ren, who is staring at me angrily.

I stay silent, refusing to meet his gaze. He walks towards me, fists clenched, and examines me as if he still sees me as some helpless little girl he tried to kill.

'The girl who was able to escape an army of my best trained storm troopers.' Kylo Ren begins, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shake him off, furious.

'The girl who flew the millennium falcon away from my men and destroyed countless of my ships.'

I stand still, sucking in a breath as he traces lazy circles on my back from behind me.

'The girl who is- training-' He spits with disgust, '-to become a Jedi.'

'What is your problem?' I burst, spinning around to lock my eyes with his.

I cringe, taking in his perfectly carved jaw line and his long brown hair he has tied back into a bun. His eyes are dark and lonely. They're about the only thing terrifying about his whole face. Other than that, he was perfect. So disgustingly perfect and it sickened me.

'Daddy issues.' He says blankly, before laughing bitterly.

'You're a monster.'

'You destroyed everything I had.' He shouts, pacing away from me, his fists still clenched.

I rest a hand on my light saber carefully.

'Some scavenger girl? He laughs, before throwing a glass towards the wall.

I flinch as it shatters into a million pieces, waiting for him to come after me.

He'll kill me if he has the chance.

And he does.

'Your mother sent me.' I stall. 'She says I can help you.'

'Help?' Ren snarls. 'I have nothing and its all because of you.'

'I didn't choose to. I'm doing it for your father.' I say, honestly.

Ren storms towards me, wrapping his ice cold fingers around my neck so my face is level with his.

'I wouldn't have had to kill him if it wasn't for you.'

'Stop-' I gasp, gripping my light saber.

'You defeated me, Rey.' Ren whispers, his voice defenceless.

'In so many ways.'

I stare at him.

He throws me into the wall.

I roll back onto my feet, my light saber now in hand and I aim it towards his face.

'Go ahead. Kill me. I don't care.' Ren dismisses. I feel a pang in my stomach, but try to ignore it.

'I should kill you like you killed your father.' I say, edging my light saber towards his throat.

'That's not very Jedi of you.' He laughs, coldly.

I slowly lower my light saber.

'You know something, Rey.' Kylo Ren begins, walking towards the door in which I came in through.

He twists the lock.

'You destroyed everything I have. I am now a prisoner to my own mother. Yet there is something about you that fascinates me.'

'Why are you-'

'No matter how hard I try, I just can't hate you. And I try, believe me.'

'You're a monster.' I spit. 'Let me out.'

Suddenly he pulls me towards him and I feel myself suffocating. I didn't know he was still capable of his Jedi powers, but I knew I was stronger.

Still I didn't do anything.

'You're so beautiful, you know.' He says blankly, stroking my cheek.

'You've captivated me, Rey. I haven't stopped thinking about my scavenger girl.' He purrs into my ear.

'I'm-I'm not yours.' I gasp, choking on my words as I desperately try to break free.

'I'm so disgusted to be in love with you, in any way.'

My eyes widen.

He's in love with me?

We barely know each other.

I spit in his face.

He laughs at me, shaking his head mockingly, before letting me go.

'Whatever you're going to try and do, don't waste your time. I simply won't cooperate.' He calls out, as he walks towards the door.

He turns the lock and opens it.

'Tell my mother I say go fuck yourself.' He sneers, pushing me out into the hallway.

Before I can protest, he slams the door in my face.

If i get more views, I will continue :)

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