Bart Is Probably The Nicest Vampire I Have Ever Met

Start from the beginning

I walk back up to my room they kindly gave me, note the sarcasm. The room consists of a small bed, a dresser, a super small bathroom, a crappy TV that only has channels in black and white, and a hard wood chair, and a window that's probably locked. No, I’m not allowed to have a normal window since I might try to escape out of it. If there was a normal one, I would be gone in a flash. The walls are a dull teal, and the carpet is a puke color with some blue stain in the corner. I don’t want to know.

This feels like I’m in a very crappy hotel.

Sighing, I sit down on my bed, looking around my cell. It seriously feels like I’m in prison! I look over at my dresser, then start walking towards it. I open it, seeing they gave me clothes. Some skinny jeans, t shirts, underwear, bras, pajamas, wait! Bras? I hold one up and inspect it. They got my size.

“Sick bastards.” I mumble taking some clothes out for after my shower. I close the bathroom door behind me and lock it for good measures. They’re probably perverts too.

After my shower, me smelling like fruit and flowers, I decide to search around the house, or mansion. The place is freaking huge.

Turning down a flight of stairs, I bump into someone. “Watch were your-oh. Hi Nora!” Bart says once he see’s who I am.

“Hi, Bart.” I mumble, making sure my nose isn’t bleeding. Thank goodness it’s not. That would have been extremely awkward.

“Where you going?” He asks, falling into step with me.

I do a one shoulder shrug. “Exploring.”

Bart smirks. “Or was it to try to find a way out?”

“Who? Little old me?” I bat my eyelashes and forming my mouth into a pout.

“Come on. Let’s go see Charles.” Before I could say no, he links arms with me and turns towards some door. “WE”RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD! THE HORRIBLE WIZARD OF VAMPIRES!” He screams loudly, making me burst into laughter. I join in after I control my laughter.

“BECAUSE, BECAUSE, BECAUSE, BECAUSE, BECAUSE,” We pause dramatically, entering to where Charles is, “BECAUSE OF THE HORRIBLE THINGS HE DOES!”

Charles looks up from his book, scowling at us, but I see a hint of amusement in his eyes. “What were you two doing?”

“I taught Nora here a new song. She learns quickly.” Bart says proudly, making me giggle. “So,” Bart changes the subject, “Found anything yet?”

Charles shakes his head and sighs. “Nothing. I don’t know why Nora is not effected by us.”

“That sounds wrong.” I say, voicing my opinion. Bart laughs while Charles glares at me.

“I didn’t ask you.”

“I didn’t ask for your approval.” I shoot back, narrowing my eyes at him. We glare at each other for a long time until Bart clears his throat.

“Well, she cant stay in her room all day. That’s not fair to her. Keeping a pretty lady stuck in a room with nothing to do, isn’t that harsh, Charlie?” Charles brother shakes him.

“Well, I’m not doing anything with her. I don’t even want to go near her.”

I gasp, insulted. “I do not smell!”

Charles glares at me. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Yes it is! Oh my god. And I just took a shower!”

“Nora.” Charles says, but I ignore him. Getting him mad is too much fun.

“I smell like fruit and flowers. That’s what it said on the bottle! It’s rude to insult a lady, Charles.”


“You hurt my feelings! Don’t you know that’s harsh? Very harsh.”


“Ladies do everything they can to smell nice, they wash -”

“NORA SHUT THE GOD DAMN UP!” Charles yells.

And at that time, Henry waltzes in. “Charles!” He gasps. “What the fuck man! I know you don’t like Nora staying here, but you have to order her around! That’s low man.” He pushes his brother to the ground, and they start wrestling.

I look over at Bart who’s shaking his head and smirking at me. “Well, my work is done here.”

“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” He asks.

“Yep. Getting him mad is too much fun. Henry walking in was just a bonus.” I glance over at the two rolling around on the ground, shouting at each other.

Well, this is the price you get for being captured by brotherly vampires. Constant fighting. But, they’re vampires, which adds to the fighting. They can be more rough. It’s like 3-D wrestling!

“Hit him in the face, Henry!” I yell over their cussing. They stop for a moment, looking at me before Henry smacks him with his fist. “Yeah, that’s what you get for calling me smelly!”

“That’s not what I meant!” He growls, slapping Henry away from him.

I chuckle, watching the free wrestling show for a moment, Bart at my side. Henry flies up, pushing Charles ten feet away from him. “That’s enough!”

Charles growls, looking over at me. “She did it!”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“I know you didn’t Nora. Charles here thinks it’s ok to boss everybody around.” Henry mutters, glaring at his brother.

“Whatever!” And then faster than the speed of light, he’s gone. I really have to get use to that.

“Sorry about that, Nora. It happens a lot.” Henry says, also disappearing.

“You’re my new best friend!” Bart yells happily, making me smile. He links arms with me, and we start skipping around the house.


The nicest vampire I have ever met award defiantly goes to Bart.

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