Chapter 27

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Carmen's POV

"I've got it, mom." I say before opening the front door. I look down to see a rose. It was beautiful. It was this perfect maroon color. On it was a small card that people get when they put who it's from.

To someone as beautiful as you.

I thought it was just too sweet. I step out onto the edge of my porch to see who was there but I couldn't find anyone. I saw nothing but cars and other homes.

I then walked into the house looking over the entire card and everywhere around the flower. Nothing said who it was from.

"Who's that from?" my mom asks walking into the living room.

"I have no clue. There's nothing that says it's from anyone." my mom then takes the card out of my hand.

"To someone as beautiful as you. That's not Collin's hand writing. I've never seen that guy write in cursive. Ever."

"Then it must be for me." I say.

I then set it on the counter before heading upstairs. I sit on my bed and think for a moment who it could've been from. I then lay down and fall asleep. The next morning, I got up, curled my hair a bit, did some nice make up, and put on one of my new outfits. I then head to school and meet with Gia and Luke at my locker.

"Okay, so, some random person yesterday left a rose and a note on my door step. No name, no person holding the flower. Nothing." I tell Gia and Luke as I'm unlocking my locker. Only to find two more roses and a card inside.

"Does it say who it's from?" Luke asks.

I look all over the card only to find another sweet piece of writing but no name. The card read, "Thought you deserved more."

"Nothing." this is the second time I've received flowers.

"Wonder who it is." Gia says.

This went on for the whole month. Anonymous flowers would pop up in random places. On my car, in my car, showing up during classes, in my room, at my favorite coffee shop. All were random. Each would have a different sweet saying each day. Each day there would be more and more. Day ten there was ten flowers, day eleven there was eleven flowers, and so on. By day thirty, I was expecting this person to finally reveal themselves. But no sign of them. I just wanted to know who it was considering Valentine's Day was in three days. The sooner I know the better. By day 31, I didn't see any flowers all day.

"Anything?" Gia asks me as we stand by my car before heading home.

"Nothing. I would've expected them by now. I bet you they're in my back yard." I say.

"Have you checked every place they've been before?"

"Yes, and they weren't there at all." I say.

"Well, you'll probably figure it out when you get home." Gia says before I get in my car and leave.

I went to my favorite coffee shop and found nothing. I went to Gia's house even and found nothing. I checked every where in my car. Still nothing. I felt like crying. I didn't know who this person was, but it just broke my heart I couldn't find them. They were just the sweetest gesture every single day and ever since my break up with Ashton, I guess they were sort of what kept me going. So, I just went home. When I walk inside, I see a whole trail of pedals along the floor. I followed the entire trail which finally led to my room. On my door was a note.

"Your secret admirer and thirty one flowers are behind this door. I hope this made you happy." still no name but it was great to be able to find out who it was.

I opened the door and saw a tall, somewhat buff male figure standing in the middle of my room covering his face with a bouquet of flowers. I remove the flowers from his hands to reveal someone I guess I didn't exactly expect. Tyler. I did what seemed like the most reasonable thing to do and planted my lips on his. A feeling I haven't felt in so long and it was just amazing to finally feel it again. I felt like melting. I never thought he could be as sweet as this. I never thought he was the one behind all of this and he honestly stole my heart.

His hands ended up wrapped around my hips while I dropped the flowers and my arms ended up around his neck. A spark explodes in my emotions. He pulls away before looking at me a smiling.

"Why did you go through all this trouble just to get me?" I ask.

"Because you're all I want and all I need. I didn't know how to tell you either." he says.

"You could've just said it. I would've been all in."

Ashton's POV

I walked into my room to at around dinner time that night. Only to see from my room that Tyler and Carmen were kissing. It honest to god hurt. She was now falling for some guy and it wasn't me. I guess it's something I should've expected. She did almost choose him over me before we dated.

I closed my blind and ended up spending the rest of the night crying, making me restless and worn out by morning. I toughened it out and got dressed and went to school in practically my pajamas. I could feel my eyes trying to close but I did everything I could to keep them open. Once I showed up to the school, I set an alarm on my phone for fifteen minutes before the bell rang so I could at least close my eyes and relax a bit. Once my alarm went off I went to the building and grabbed my stuff before meeting with Michael. He could tell I didn't want anything said to me so he didn't. Throughout the entire school day, I took every chance I could to fit a nap into a class period. It was difficult but I managed it. By the end of the day, I just went home and slept until dinner. Then I went to bed.

~~~Hey, everyone. So, yeah. Just vote, share and comment. I love you guys.

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