Chapter 21

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Carmen's POV

The next few days were just great. I got to spend time with Ashton and just had some great quality time with him. A week later was our three month anniversary. Since we were just gonna go on a date, I decided to look nice. I put on a white long sleeve shirt, a black skirt that reaches my mid-thigh, a pair of leggings underneath, and brown leather heeled boots. My hair is in ringlets. I have just concealer, eyeliner, and mascara on. I put on my necklace Ashton gave me for Christmas as well. He shows up to my house at about seven. He has flowers in hand as well. I smile, take the flowers from his hands, put them on the dining room table, returned to him, gave him a quick kiss, all before we left for dinner. The place we were going to eat at was packed we decided to go to McDonald's. We get our food and sit down in one of the quieter areas before eating.

"It's just like our first date." I say.

"If anything our first date was to that farm I took you to." Ashton says.

"Oh, no, trust me. Here was our first date. We got ice cream and french fries and it was just a great time. Here we are three months later."

"God, I got pissed when I was tempted to tell you I liked you."

"You did and I was like just say it already. Our first kiss was before we were even dating. We were in Santa Fe arguing and you were trying to get me to say who my superman was."

"And now, we're happily together and things couldn't be better." I say before finishing my burger.

"I'm gonna go get us some ice cream." Ash says standing up before giving me a kiss and walking to the register.

Three months with him. It's interesting to even think that it's already been that long. He's made these months a dream come true and I'm so grateful for that.

He's comes back with two ice cream cones in hand and sits in front of me before handing me my ice cream cone. Once we finish we leave.

"So, what do we want to do now?" he asks.

"Let's get changed into pajamas and lets drive until one. Just like the first date." I say before turnign down our street.

"Alright, meet here in about ten minutes." he says before he pulls up to his house and we get out of the car.

I run into my house and up to my room. I throw off what I have on before putting on a pair of sweats, an old t-shirt, and one of Ashton's sweaters. I wipe off all of my make up, comb out my curls and put my hair into a bun before putting on a pair of uggs and heading out the door to Ashton's car. He has me put my phone on the auxiliary cord before he drives off.

"There blankets and pillows in the back seat in case you get cold." he says. I grab a blanket and pillow from the back seat before laying and holding Ashton's hand. I then grab Ashton's phone and look up what's six hours away.

"Looks like if we want to stop at one in the morning, we're stopping in Los Banos." I say.

"Alright. You wanna use my phone to book a hotel there."

I choose the cheapest motel that isn't too far into town. We get one that's about twenty seven dollars for the night. So, Ashton has me check how much money he has.

"About two hundred."

"Okay, we have enough for gas and the hotel and snacks."

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before resting my head on his shoulder. About four or so hours later, we're finally in Los Banos.

Ashton's POV

We ended up staying at the Sun Star Inn. It was the cheapest and most decent hotel in town. I pay for the hotel room before we head upstairs. Once we get up there we both just go straight to bed. I pull her closer to me before falling asleep. The next morning we both wake up and immediately check out. We then get in the car and head to a gas station before heading home. Carmen spent the whole time sleeping. I woke her up when we were about an hour out from San Diego. Once we get to our houses I pull her face to mine before kissing her. I rest my hand on her cheek as I keep kissing her. We then hear a knock at the window behind me. I look to see Lauren.

"Dinner's in the house." she says. Carmen then turns red. I give her a quick kiss before she heads over to her house and I walk into mine.

I fix my plate for dinner before sitting at the table. "Where did you guys go last night?" my mom asks.

"Los Banos. It was practically our first date all over again." I say before taking a bite of my dinner.

Once I was done, I went to bed. The next morning I got up, got dressed then head to school. I tried to find Michael before school but he text me saying he was sick. So, I stood at my locker all awkward all morning. I wad full of relief when I heard the bell ring. I went on with my normal routine at school. At the end of the day I went back to my locker to drop off all of my stuff off. Inside of my locker was a letter. I open it and immediately slam my locker before heading to my car really quick.

Michael is mine after school.


I drive as quick as I can to Michael's house before pulling up to his driveway and running immediately inside.

"Ashton, what's going on?" Michael says.

"Pack a bag. You're coming over to my house." I say before I start writing a note for Michael's parents letting them know what's going on. Once he has a bag packed, I rush him out the door to my car before driving to my house. At the same time Carmen pulls up. I walk up to her and give her a quick kiss. "Good you're here."

"What's going on?" she asks examining my face.

"I can't tell you. Now get in my house." I say grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her in.

"Now can you tell us what is going on?" Carmen asks once we get inside my house.

"I can't!" I shout.

"Why? What is there that you can't tell me? If it's cheating go fuck your self! I'm out!" Carmen says before she starts walking to the door.

"It's not that! If I told you it would ruin our relationship and I would be gone!" I look down at the couch to see Michael just sitting there awkwardly. "Can you give us some space, please?" He then walks upstairs more than likely to my room.

"Now can you tell me?" Carmen asks more calmly.

"Do you want our relationship to be ruined if I told you?" I ask.

"No, I just want to know so I can help! Why is it so difficult to say?" she asks as she starts breaking down.

"Because I don't want to lose you. There's only one thing I can tell you and it's not even telling you it's showing you."

"Then what is it?"

I then grab my phone and pull up Facebook before looking up Rose. I then show Carmen a picture of her.

"Just stay away from her, got it?"

"Why? Who is she?"

"That's one thing I can't tell you."

"Fine. If you can't tell me then I'm leaving." Before she leaves she snaps off her necklace and throws it on the coffee table. I took it as a sign that we were done.

~~~Hey everyone. So I'm headed out of town for a bowling match right now which makes me so excited because it's my first high school travelling match. So, things are finally coming into place and it's making me so relieved.

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