Chapter 9

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Carmen's POV

I spent the whole day with Ashton until he had to go home. Our day was filled with watching random chick flicks, kissing, cuddling, and random bursts of laughter. It was rare that we went even an hour without laughing about something random.

When he left I tried grabbing him.

"No, don't leave yet." I say pulling on his arm.

"I have to. I have school in the morning." he says putting his hands on my waist.

"Well, so do I. Stay. Just for another hour."

"I can't-" I cut him off by putting my lips on his. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my shoulders a bit. I'm on the porch step and he's on the ground making this so much easier considering my height.

"Ashton!" we hear a voice before pulling away. We look over at his house and see Lauren. "Mom wants you home."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Ashton yells back before placing his lips back onto mine. He lifts me up onto his hips before pulling away. I rest my head on his shoulder before closing my eyes. I feel Ashton walking but I can't tell where because I keep my eyes closed. I hear a door open and realize we're over at his house.

"Ashton, what's going on?" I hear Anne

"My girlfriend won't let me go." he says.

"Take her back home."

Ashton then carries me back to my house. Once he opens the door to my house, I hear my mom walk up to him.

"I was wondering when she was going to be home." my mom jokes. "Take her up to her room. No funny business."

We then head upstairs and into my room. Ashton starts to lay me on my bed when I place my lips onto his.

"Stay another night." I say.

"If I could I would." Ashton says. "We'll get time together again."

"Okay,." I say releasing him before he tucks me into bed. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." he says pecking my cheek.

This weekend was amazing and I have no freaking clue in the world how to carry on. But I manage to. By going to sleep. Then waking up the next morning. Putting on a white t-shirt and black jeans with combat boots. My hair is up in a messy bun because I really don't give shit about how I look. I go to put on my leather jacket until I see a sweater that is not mine on my door handle with a note attached to it.

When I'm not there to keep you warm


I put on the sweater and take in a good wiff of it. Smells just like him. Not exactly a cologne or body spray scent. More like a freshly clean just got out of the shower scent. Smells amazing.

I grab my bag and keys before heading out to my car. Ash has already left so leave as well. Once I get to school, I meet up with Gia and Luke as usual.

"So, how was your date weekend?" Gia asks.

"It was great. We went out. We had dinner went back to my place and yeah. It was great." I say as Tyler walks up to us. Oh shit.

"Hey." he says hugging me.

"Um, hi." I say.

"We're just going to walk away." Luke says as him and Gia walk away.

"So, how about that date?" Tyler asks.

"About that. Uh, I was thinking we could just be friends."
"Oh. Alright that's- that's cool." he says before storming off.

"Why'd you blow off your boyfriend?" Luke asks as they walk back over to me.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Then who is?" Gia asks.


Ashton's POV

I did my normal school day routine. Get dressed grab my bag head to the school. Meet up with Michael. Grab my books. Mess with my phone a bit. I sent a message to Carmen telling her to have a good day and I'll see her later in the afternoon.

"Dude, you're on your phone longer." Michael says. I only look up for a split second. "Are you texting that hot chick?"

"Okay, first off, she's not hot, she's beautiful. Second, stop hitting on my girlfriend." I say.

"Sorry didn't know I was messing with Mr. Macho and his girl." Michael says walking away.

After school I immediately headed out to my car to go home. Before I went home though, I stopped by the store and grabbed some candy. I know how much she likes Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. So, I grabbed a big package before heading home. Once I get there I see Carmen's car but hear nothing in her house. So, I head into my house. Once I walk into my room and look across into Carmen's house, I see her sitting on her bed. I grab a pebble from my window and open it before throwing the pebble at her window. I wave my arms at her from my window and she finally sees me. It looks like she pulled an ear bud out of her ear. She opens her window.

"Where were you?" she asks.

"I got you a present. Do you want me to come over or what?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just come right over. Don't bother knocking."

I then grab the candy I got her before running down stairs and heading over to her house. I head inside and run up to her room.

"How much do you love me?" I ask.

"A lot." she says.

"Say it. Say you love me."

"Fine, I love you a lot." I then hand her the package of Reeses and she squeals. "Oh my god thank you." she then begins to cry and become confused.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm a female, that's all." she replies.

"Oh." then I realize what she means. "Oh."

I walk into her kitchen, open the fridge and freezer. I found no ice cream, and no fruit.

"I'll be right back." I tell Carmen before hugging her and leaving.

I get in my car and drive to the store. There, I grab whatever she didn't have and headed back to her house. I made sure I was quick so the ice cream wouldn't melt. Once I got back to Carmen's house she was already bundled up on the couch searching through Netflix. I hand her the tub of ice cream before walking into the kitchen and getting out a spoon taking it to her then walking back into the kitchen and making her a smoothie. I bring it back out to her and sit next to her on the couch. She kisses me before leaning up against me. I wrap my arms around her before laying us both back on the arm of the chair. Her head laying on my chest. My arms wrapped around her. This is something I'm not used to but it's a great feeling. I understand why people enjoy it.

~~~Hey everyone this ones been done for a while i just haven't had the time to upload it. Band camp and color guard. Grr, I'm so tired plus I'm moving so that's an addition. Anyways vote, share, and comment love you all.

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