chapter 7

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Carmen's POV

We got to San Francisco at about six in the morning. We had no place to stay so we stayed at Baker Beach. It was really beautiful with the sunrise and everything. I was wide awake but I Tyler sleep since he drove the entire trip here. We put the back seats down and turned it into a bed. I had a book with me so, while Tyler was asleep I read the book and messed with his hair since he was using me as a pillow. He woke up at about noon where I drove to the nearest Burger King and grabbed food.

"Wanna do a little sight seeing today?" Tyler asks me.

"Why not? I've never been here." I say as he hops into the seat next to me.

So, the first place we went to wasn't too far. It was actually like right down the street. It was this little restaurant called the Cliff House. Some pretty good food there actually. Next we went to the Golden Gate Bridge. Which it was really just a really nice bridge honestly.

"What other places haven't you been to?" Tyler asks me after we visited the A.T. & T. Park.

"Anywhere past New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana." I explain.

"So, you haven't been to Texas?"


"North Dakota?"


"And your life goal is?"

"Travel as much as possible as far as possible. I want to go to places like Hawaii, New York, Canada, Mexico, England. So on. I feel like my world is too small and needs to be extended." I explain as we leave San Francisco.

We drive out about two maybe three hours out and it's eight at night. We arrive to Santa Barbara. It's beautiful at night. The next morning it was Sunday and pouring. I love the rain. Absolutely love it. I honestly wish it could rain all year long. I turned on Two Of Us by The Beatles. As we passed through L.A. the sun peeked through the clouds a bit and it was gorgeous. We passed the L.A. river and I wanted to laugh. Sorry but the San Diego River is more impressing than this. (A/N being from Washington the L.A. River is considered a stream.)

Once we get to town it's like five in the evening. "I had a great time." I say.

"Me too. Uh, do you want to go out some time?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Do you want to come in for dinner?"


We both get out of the car and I have to argue with Tyler to let me carry my bag into the house. Once we walked in I could literally smell the pot roast from the front door. We walk into the kitchen and find my mom cooking.

"Hey, mom." I say.

"Hey, who's- oh my god." my mom says.

"This is Tyler."

"Are your parents Kathy and Dustin Richards?" my mom asks Tyler.

"Yeah." Tyler replies.

"Kathy and I used to be absolute best friends in fourth grade. Then she got a boyfriend and everything went down hill."

"Well, do you mind if he stays for dinner tonight?" I ask.

"Not at all. Serve yourselves. Dinner is ready."

We eat dinner and have a really long chat about the weekend and homecoming and all that. It was a pretty great night. Actually the whole weekend was amazing.

Ashton's POV

I stared out the window. Not trying to be a creep or anything but, she had a friend over and I was waiting until they left to talk to her. At about seven her friend left. I went over immediately with flowers in hand. I approached the front door wanting to walk away. What do I say or what do I do. I go through the possible scenarios in my head.

Things could change between us. Either better or worse. I'll let fate decide for me. I cough before hiding the flowers behind my back, taking a deep breath, and ringing the door bell. LeAnne opens the door.

"Ashton, how- how are you?" she asks.

"I'm okay, is uh, Carmen here?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs right now. Go right on up."

I walk into the house I haven't been in in a while. I head up stairs wear I find Carmen's room. She's not in here yet so I just sit on her bed. Once she walks in, she's already in her pajamas. A tank top, plaid pants, and drenched hair.

"How'd you get in here?" she asks.

"Your mom let me in. I brought you these." I say standing up and handing her the flowers.

"Thank you. That's very sweet of you." she says.

I try and get a little closer to her. "So, um, I was hoping, we could like go sort of I guess on a date some time." I say.

"Ashton, that sounds wonderful but, I- I'll have to think about it. I just had a friend come over and he asked me on a date as well. I'll let you know. But, I promise, I'll let you know real soon. Just, things have been-" I cut her off by planting my lips onto hers. I obviously caught her off because she fell back a bit before I caught her. We pull apart and she has this oh shit look on her face.

"Just know I care about you." I whisper into her ear and kissing it. I then leave the house and run straight out the door and to my house.

Shit, what did I just do? Fuck. God, no, not this awkwardness again. Yup, that's it, I'm going to hell tonight.

Once I get into my house, my mom tries to ask me stuff but I stutter and decide to just run up to my room. I jump right onto my bed and cover my head with my pillow and just, try to escape reality. Try and forget what just.

My mom then walks in. I try and be as distant with her as much as possible.

"Ashton, where did you go?" she asks. I say nothing. "You went next door didn't you. Ash, remember you need to forget and forgive. In such simple situations as this you need to let go. Forget what just happened and move on. Life will be so much easier and so much more postive. The more you forget and move on, the more you'll be willing to look forward at your future rather than be afraid of it."

Forget and move on.

~~~I don't even check how long these chapters are. I just get to a point where it's like yeah, time to transition. Alright, I love you guys so much. Remember to vote, share, and comment.

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