Chapter 8

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Carmen's POV

The week was slow but I was too anxious for Friday to show up so I could go on my date. I was dressed fairly nice. A leather jacket, white t-shirt, black jeans, a grey scarf, and converse. My hair was in curls and I had minimal make up. It was seven thirty. I've been waiting an hour for Tyler to show up at the docks. He finally shows up at about seven fourty five.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late." he says pecking my cheek. "I was waiting for someone to take care of my little brother before I left."

"Hey, if that's why, everything is fine." I say.

"I brought sandwiches. Really lame one ones but hey they work right?"


"Wanna hear something funny? When I found out my mom was pregnant with my little brother, I ran around my entire neighborhood with only my swim trunks on and yelled, "my mom and dad want to ruin my life with an evil alien!" my neighbors got so worried they called the cops." Tyler says. I then start laughing.

"Okay, so, when my mom got her first boyfriend after my dad passed away, he came over to our house and asked me if it was okay he went out with my mom. My reply was, "she's not chinese, so why would you want to take her out?" my mom understood it but obviously her boyfriend at the time didn't." I say.

"He must've never heard the term chinese take out." He says laughing. "Okay, when I started elementary school and the teacher told me that if I didn't do the pledge off allegiance I'd be sent to another country, my response was, "Good, I've always wanted to go to Ireland.""

That's how we spent the entire night. Talking and just hanging out. By maybe nine o'clock we were about to leave.

"Tonight was great." I say as he inches closer to me grazing his arm against mine.

"Yeah, shall we do this again some time?" he asks before resting his forehead on mine.

"Maybe." I say before kissing him. Once we pull away I realize, I didn't feel a spark. I get in the and just shake my head. Nope, not him. I get home and toss my keys onto the counter before taking off my shoes.

"Hey, how did the date go?" my mom asks.

"It was, okay I guess. It went down hill by the time it ended. I don't know." I explain.

"Well, get some rest. "

I then run upstairs and take a shower before heading to bed. New day new start new date. I need to prepare myself for the outcome.

Ashton's POV

It's a somewhat cold Saturday night. I'm dressed in a black jean jacket, a Rolling Stones t-shirt, black jeans, and converse. I grab the flowers I got for Carmen before heading to her house next door. I ring the door bell and look down at my feet then back at the door as it opened. It was Carmen. She was dressed in a black leather jacket, a white tank top, black jeans, and converse. We have almost matching outfits on.

"Hey." we both say.

"These are for you." I say handing her the bouquet.

"Thanks. You know if you keep giving me bouquets I'm going to run out of space in my house." she says laughing a bit. "Let's go?"

I nod before we head to her car. I take her keys from her, unlock the car and open the passenger door for her.

"It's my car, I'm going to drive." she protests.

"Yes, but, I decided to be a gentleman and drive for you." I explain before closing her door as she gets in.

We drive to McDonald's because, it wouldn't be us hanging out if it didn't include McDonald's. We get a couple of cheese burgers and eat in the parking lot.

"You know, this is so much better than last night." she says. "Tyler would not shut up about his past but then again neither did I."

We finally finish our burgers before heading back to her place. We reach her driveway and I wish the night never ended.

"Tonight was great." I say.

"What are you talking about? It's not over yet." she says before dragging me into her house. I take off my jacket because it was comfortable. She ran up stairs and when she came down, she had a movie in hand and changed into pajamas. "I hope you don't mind. I picked a chick flick."

"You're night. You choose." I say.

I then sit on the couch and she lays there with me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and her leg was laying across me. It was reassuring really. I didn't know what movie we were watching, I just knew I was in a reassuring position where I felt like I could forget everything for once. I didn't care if her hair was making my neck itch. I didn't care if my mom wanted me home at a decent time. I cared that I had the one girl that I really cared about in my arms. The first girl I kissed. The first girl I went out on a date with. The first girl that I'm not related to that I really truly cared about and wanted to love. I wish I could bottle this moment and keep it forever.

I kissed the top of Carmen's head before falling asleep. When I woke up at like nine in the morning, we had a blanket over the top of us and I could smell freshly cooked bacon. I waited until Carmen got up that I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see what there was. It was LeAnne making breakfast.

"Good morning. How was last night?" she asks me.

"Good." I explain.

"Obviously." she mutters.

Carmen then walks back into the kitchen. She wraps her arms around me before resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist and shoulders and rest my head on hers. We both pull away as we hear the sound of a phone camera shutter.

"Sorry, you two are just too adorable." LeAnne says. "Get some breakfast."

We pile our plates with eggs, bacon, and toast before sitting down. We eat in silence and it's very peaceful. Once we're finished eating, I decide to leave for the day.
"You know you don't have to leave. Not yet anyway." Carmen tells me.

"Alright, I'll stay." I say before hugging her.

~~~I promise I'm not screaming right now. Anyways remember I love you guys so vote, share, and comment.

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