Chapter 13

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Carmen's POV

By Monday, all of my family went back home. I also had school. So, I dressed in my usual Ashton's sweater, my jeans, and converse. I was in the most perfect mood so I actually did my make up and hair. Once I showed up to the school, I met up with Gia and Luke. As usual.

"But I never heard them say it. Oh, hey, Carmen, we were just talking about you." Gia says.

"About?" I ask.

"Saying how I never heard you and Ashton say the L word to each other when I was hanging out with you guys."

"Why does it matter?"

"I just find it odd that after what almost three months of dating you guys still haven't told each other that you love each other."

"Eh, it's not important." I say before we head to class.

After school as usual I head home immediately and wait for Ash. I then get a text from him twenty minutes into the time I was home.

"Hey, baby, won't be home till late tonight. Exams are a bitch. See you later." he texts me.

So, I change out of my jeans and into my sweats. I grab a left over piece of fudge. Or two. Okay, I lied an entire bowl. No regrets. I thorn turn on The Office. I'm just going to say this, Pam and Jim are goals. I might say it a billion times but it's so flipping true.

By the time I got to the episode where Pam and Jim have their first kiss, Ashton arrives. He plops down on the couch next to me. Puts his arm over my shoulders and gives me a quick kiss.

"What'd you do without me?" he asks.

"Ate fudge while watching the Office." I say.

"Did you save any for me?"

"It's in the fridge." and just like a little kid on Christmas morning, he jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen. He then came back with some fudge as well.

He pulls out his phone and pulls up Facebook and the first thing that pops up is something I'm tagged in by my cousin Thomas.

"Oh my god. There you are!" he says pointing to me in the picture.

It's my cousins, Thomas, Victoria, Randal, Zack, Johanna, and myself dressed in cowboy costumes in the back of my grandpa's truck with root beers in hand.

"Take that out of your feed. Holy shit." I say.

"Aw, but, baby, you look so adorable in this picture."

"No, I don't."

"How old were you? Six? Seven?"

"I was four."

"See, that's why you don't need to worry. It's not like what Jared Leto will see this picture and think 'Hmm, that girl was real crazy when she was little.' No, not even your boyfriend thinks that." Ashton says before kissing my temple.

We just cuddle until about five which is when my mom finally got home. She looks extremely tired as usual.

"Carmen, you need to go Christmas shopping this weekend. Or anytime in the next three weeks." she says.

"I know. I'll do that when I get out of school tomorrow." I say.

"Do you want me to come with?" Ashton asks.

"No, it's best I go by myself anyways." I explain. Assuring him I'll be fine on my own. I plan on getting his gift as well. But what do guys even like for Christmas presents? Socks? Car tools? I have no clue what guys I'm not related to like. I mean usually every year for my cousins I get them either candy tubes or visa gift cards but, I don't even know what Ashton likes.

Ashton's POV

I leave Carmen's house around eight before walking next door to mine. There my mom is passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine in hand. Lauren and Harry are no where to be seen in the living room. I head upstairs to their rooms. They were both in Lauren's room.

"What's wrong?" I ask them.

"Mommy, didn't make us dinner." Harry explains.

"I made us dinner. No worries. Just sandwiches. Pretty easy." Lauren says.

"She been like that the entire time I was gone?" I ask.

"Yup, came home said the world was coming to an end went into the kitchen grabbed the bottle before drinking and passing out on the couch."

"You guys find me after school tomorrow instead of the bus, got it? Then when Carmen gets done getting Christmas gifts we'll go to her house or better yet I have a different plan." I explain. "Alright, Harry go to your room and go to bed. Lauren, get some sleep."

I then hug my siblings good night before heading to my room. I look over at Carmen's window which has her sign taped to the window. 'Goodnight, Prince Charming.' her sign said. Mine taped to my window said, 'Goodnight, Princess.'

She deserves some time to just rest and stop and think for a moment. She's been through so much in such little time it's ridiculous. She never got to actually get to know her dad. I think that's what hurts her the most. But at the same time I never really got to know my dad either. So, I understand what's going through her head about it.

Instead of worrying more about Carmen, I go to bed. I fall asleep quickly. By morning I was ready for the day to end. I took Lauren and Harry to their bus stop before heading to school. There I meet up with Michael at my locker.

"Hey, so, wanna play video games after school today?" he asks me.

"Can't. I have to take care of Lauren and Harry. My mom's drinking again." I explain.

"Damn, wish I could help. Oh, well, maybe sometime this weekend."

"Eh, we'll see." I say before the bell rings for class.

After school, I head straight to my car. I drive to McDonald's, get three shakes, then drive all the way to Lauren and Harry's school. I wait about five minutes before heading to the store.

"What are we here for?" Lauren asks.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I ask.

"Lasagna!" Harry says.

"Alright. Let's get the ingredients then." I say as we turn down the pasta aisle. We grab the lasagna noodles then grab the sauce, cheese, and bread. Just because I'm feeling really nice, we head to the flowers and Lauren helps me pick out a bouquet of roses for Carmen. She picks these roses which were pretty alive and looked like they were about to bloom. "You think she'll like them?" I ask.

"No, I think she'll love you." Lauren says before we drive to the houses.

~~~Hey everyone, I know it's been a while but with school and the club I'm apart of, it get pretty insane. Seriousky I don't get home till nine at night some times. Maybe even later depending on what's going. Anyways, I love you guys and please remember to vote,share, and comment.

The Guy Next Doorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें