Chapter 23

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Carmen's POV

After school that Friday that same girl was sitting on the hood of my car. Only this time I recognized her.

"Hey, you, get off my car." I say. She drops a cigarette before getting off of my car.

"Aren't you dating that Ashton kid?" she asks.

"I was but we broke up on Monday. Who the hell are you and how did you know that?"

"He was cheating on you with me. All those times he said he had tests after school, he was at my house. Giving me pleasure, making me feel good. I was his side girl. He told me he loved me and everything." I could tell she was just trying to mess with my head, but I still believed her.

"You don't have to make me jealous, okay. I was the one who broke up with him. I'm perfectly fine about it. He can go on with his own life anyways." I say.

"Thought you should know." she says before walking away.

I get in the car and just sit there for a bit. I question myself how am I even okay. I didn't cry. I didn't feel like shit afterwards. I mean about an hour or so afterwards I did but not at the exact moment I didn't.

When I got home, I pulled up at the same time as Ashton. Once we both got out of our cars, I had to say something to him.

"So, I heard you were cheating on me." I say. "Is that what you had to say that you couldn't tell me or else it would've ruined us?" He doesn't reply. "Since that's the case like I said you can go fuck your self."

I then walk into my house and see my mom running around the house.

"Um, why are you in such a panic?" I ask.

"I've been meaning to tell you all week but I wasn't sure after this past Monday if I should tell you or not. I'm going on a date tonight." my mom says. I have to be proud of her. She hasn't been on a date for almost ten years. The fact she's even able to fall another guy is shocking. Her and my dad were high school sweethearts. Dated for seven years and were married for four. Honestly, I've never heard a more perfect love story than theirs.

"So, what are you guys doing then?" I ask.

"He's taking me to dinner and a movie. Classic date but I thought I might as well."

"Do I know him?"

"Yes, mom." my mom jokes. She laughs a bit before speaking. "It's Collin. You love Collin. From work. You know the one with two little ones of his own."

"Right. He's a good choice."

"I know it's last minute but, can you baby sit Nicky and Lewis? It would mean so much." my mom asks.

"Anything for you. Plus they're good kids."

"Good. We'll pay you tonight." my mom says.

Collin is sort of like a dad to me. I've known for literally forever. Last year him and his wife got a divorce. His kids are literally the greatest and are so much like my own siblings. It's really sad him and his wife divorced because she was so sweet and honestly she was the one who baby sit me when I was little.

"What time are they supposed to be here?" I ask.

"Around six. I don't know what time we'll be back but you know Nicky is supposed to go to bed at eight. You can lay her down in my room I don't care. Lewis can go to bed when he feels tired just make sure he doesn't eat too much sugar. If he does just have him settle down and watch a movie." my mom rambles.

"You're really excited for this date aren't you."

"Yes, Collin has been talking about going on this date for so long and it's just amazing that it's actually happening tonight."

"You go get ready. I'll watch for him for you." I say before hugging my mom.

About three hours later my mom is finally ready to leave right as Collin walks in. He's dressed in a black long sleeve and blue jeans. His dark brunette hair is perfectly combed with a little bit of gel. With him he had little four year old Nicky and eight year old Lewis.

"Hey, kiddo. Is your mom ready or not?" Collin asks.

"I don't know. Mom, Collin is here!" I holler. My mom then walks down stairs dressed for nicely. Her light brunette hair is in curls, her make up is done perfectly, and she's dressed in a white long sleeve, a cream colored skirt, and grey heels. She looked stunning.

"Are you ready?" Collin asks my mom.

"Yes, I am. Alright, Carmen, we'll see you later." my mom says.

"Kids, be good for Carmen." Collin tells Nicky and Lewis.

"I want her home by midnight." I tell Collin before we all laugh and they leave.

Ashton's POV

My mom ended up working a late shift tonight, so, Michael and I ended up taking care of Lauren and Harry. While I had both of them eating, Michael pulled me to the side.

"Carmen is leaving with some guy." Michael says dragging me into the kitchen. We look through one of the windows where I'm able to see into her front yard. Sure enough she was getting into a car with some guy. I had to pull myself away from the window.

"You know, she accused me of cheating earlier. I was like where the hell did you get that idea from." I say.

"It's a good thing you have her out of your life anyways. She was nothing but trouble." Michael says.

I returned my eyes to the car she was leaving in and at the very moment I realized how much I truly missed her. She was my everything. My firsts of everything. My first love. My first girlfriend. My first kiss. My first, everything. Nobody can replace her. She took a special place in my life and the fact she's gone, just hurts. It hurts emotionally, physically, and mentally. I know everyone keeps saying it's a good thing she's out of my life but, I know they're only saying that to prove they're on my side of things. In reality there is no side. It's us and that's it. We're the only side.

Everyday when I think of the first time I ever told her I loved her, it still hurts that she didn't say it back. She could've said something like it makes her uncomfortable but all she did was ignore them and it hurt. It made me feel like she didn't feel the same way and that I was the one who made a mistake. I then think back to the first time I kissed her. It felt amazing. We weren't even dating then but we both knew we wanted each other. It was a shock when she even chose to be with me. It was an ecstatic moment that I'll never forget.

The more I thought about those moments, the more I started to break down. My mind went into shut down mode.

~~~Hey everyone, so I'm so freaking happy that it's finally becoming easier for me to write again and all the ideas are just flowing it's just an oh my god kind of thing. Alright I love you guys. Please vote share and comment.

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