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lightfall / light·fall (n)
When you wake up from a nap in the middle of the afternoon and you can't move; a form of sleep paralysis
Yesterday I had a lightfall and I have never been so terrified in my life until then.
My eyes flit around my
Surrondings lazily
I lift my head

Only I don't
I can't move
My eyes are glued to my
Light green walls
I stare at my mirror
Reflecting the blanket covered
Window and midday light
As I recoil in my own thoughts

I remember that I am alone
No one to scream to
I can't feel my tongue
My mind recalls the dream
A napmare, I like to call it
A strange one involving water
And jumping and buildings

But besides that

I feel my consciousness
Drift from my appendages
Lose my fingers
Then my toes
My hands, feet
Arms and legs
Until I'm just a ball
Of soul curled
Into the fetal position
Inside of my head

The light flairs tauntingly
As if mocking my stillness
A beam shines off of my mirror
The sound of the
Wind rustling through the
Leaves slowly
Time seems to snail

Then I start to panic
I can't move
I'm paralysed
I blink once
I will myself to move my hands
Why is this so difficult?
It never was before
I want to scream
But I'm so alone
So helpless
So still
So silent
As if the earth didn't
Care if I couldn't feel
Anything, I curl
Tighter in my ball of comfort
And scream internally
Cursing my idea of
Taking a nap on this
Lazy Sunday

I jump up from the bed
This is fun to write! Also inspired by -penumbra and my only experience with sleep paralysis.

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