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 I can't help but realize.
The world we live in.
Yet, we strive for the best of the best in this world full of half-truths and embelishments.
I can't believe us.
We think that everything we do is towards a greater good.
We think making extreme evolutions in a matter of a few years is good.
We think people with mental illnesses are "dumb" and "disregarded".
But hey.
That is not true.
What if all these people who have autism are just living proof of how bad we can mess up the way we live.
What if they are the evolution, not the rest of us "smart" people.
Have you realized yet?
That some of the greatest people had serious problems in other aspects of life, yet overcame them.
Have you realized that maybe, just maybe, all of these "terrible things", such as cancer and diabetes are just signs that we need to back off.
Stop all of this madness.
And become a far-less superior race.
Because that is what we are doing.
We are evolving in primitive life forms.
We are just going in this never-ending cycle of evolution that, no matter what, will not stop.
So please.
Do not hurt the people who have already evolved, for they are more ready than you.  

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