[never again] - Mirage 02.04.15

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 Darkness is binding
Clawing at my very being
Then light
Is that you?

I try and run my fingers
In the moving image
But it fades away.
I sigh,
Tears slipping from my eyes
"Just a mirage, just a mirage."

Everything about you
Is so hallucinatory
It's truly mesmerizing
You invade my thoughts
And if I don't fight back
I'll lose my mind

It's a painful process
That is slowly killing me
The only way I can escape
Is through the abyss
The dark
The night

But ever so often
I catch a glimpse
A taste
A linger of your scent
And I have to be reminded
"Just a mirage, just a mirage."

Its seems so real
That I've begun to feel
Your fingers trailing down my face
Lips ghosting over my collarbone
Hands at my waist
Soft breathing in my ear

I'm going insane
Everything is so tantalizing
My imagination is exploding
But I must not give in
"Just a mirage, just a mirage."

My hair is hanging in oily clumps
Dark circles under my eyes
That look wild, feral,
Clothes hanging off my bones
Speech barely above a whisper
I can't deal with this
I need reassurance
Not anymore
Just say yes  

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