I'm thirty-one not seventy-five

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"Hey, kid, you okay?" I look up from my nails to see Marilyn, his arms crossed and his head to the side. "Yeah, just thinking hard about something." He sits beside me, folding his finger together and resting his elbows on his knees. "I wouldn't keep it to yourself to much unless you want to have a Brittany Spears breakdown." I rub my arms with my hands, I don't think Marilyn is much into drama so I don't think he'll care to tell Greg. "I found out that Greg is my Dad...And I don't know how to tell him exactly, there's more to the story than I can say."

Marilyn sighs and sits back on the couch. "Well, if there's one thing I've picked up from my female friends and my own mother it's that being a parent is the best thing that can happen to you. If Greg hasn't seem that yet and he knows, then maybe it's time he figured it out. You're a good kid, Erualli, and if I was him I would be excited to have a daughter like you." The word parent made my mind shoot from Greg to my possible pregnancy. I didn't know if I'm ready for either.

When Greg enters the living area as the bus starts to roll off, with Andy behind the wheel first, Marilyn nudges my side. "I'll leave you, good luck." I watch him exit the room and to the bunks, Greg replacing where he sat. "So, what did you decide?" I push my hair back with my palms and allow it to fall back down while I think it all over between the contract and Greg. "I learned something that was pretty shocking considering everything I've been through for a while." I pull on the ends of my hair, Gregory pulls an eyebrow up like he didn't understand.

"I've learned about Incubas demons, guardian angels, and now fallen angels. It's been a crazy month and I'm ready to tell you this, I know you are my Dad, Gregory." Greg wipes his palms on his jeans with a nervous smile. "Who told you that?" This is his reaction? I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that response. "It doesn't matter, how long have you known about me? Why haven't you come forward about it?" I feel those teenage-like hormones kick in and angry tears swell into my eyes as my fist shake.

"Your Mother insisted on having a baby when are relationship grew, I wasn't suppose to even love her...But when you love someone very much...You do crazy things for them. When you were born, I was kicked out of heaven and thought it was best to stay far away from you." I bunch my legs up to my chest, huddling them close, letting Greg tell me his side of the story. "I didn't want to leave you, and when your Mom died last year it was even harder for me not to see you. I never expected to see you here with a demon by your side as your boyfriend. Now you are up on stage with men I've known for so long.God,  you've grown so much and you are so beautiful, Vanessa..."

Greg chokes and gives me a gentle smile. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." He strokes my hair, both of our tears began running down our cheeks, I hate being a girl.
"I know you also gave some sort of blessing to Chris, it's not going to be Chris's child though." I whisper to him in case someone might be eves dropping. "What?" I can't tell if he's scared or surprised about the news. "Chris made a decision to pass it on to Ricky, I don't know why he did it, maybe just to pïss him off or maybe as a favor."

"Did you guys?..." I nod, Greg pulls at his hair with a silent groan through his gritted teeth. "That's great! I recommended a test just to be sure." He snaps up to his feet and power walks to the bunks, I'm guessing that's a no-Dad-approval for Ricky. "Greg! I'll take the record contract!"
"Well, that's one decision you made right!" A smile tugs in the corner of my lips, it was a awkward conversation...But it was defiantly worth it all.

I walk to the bunks, seeing most of the boys on their phone, talking to their girlfriends or the one's that are single are on their laptop, phone, or already sleeping. An occasional face looks up at me as I make my way to the back of the bus, most just go back to what they are doing like usual. When I reach to Ricky and I's bunk, Chris is passed out, CC is talking on his phone to Liz it sounds like brween all the 'I love you's' and 'I miss you's', and Ashley is leaning the arch of his back over the bunk beside us, scrolling down on his phone with a bag of ice occupying his ankle. "Can you read upside down?" Ashley just gives me a dirty smirk and looks back at the screen. "Well?"

"It's a hidden talent." He and I both crack a smile before I sit by Ricky on the bunk. He's sprawled out, skinny legs and all with my laptop on his bare stomach. "What are you doing, psycho?" I lay myself down to see he is just now getting on Google. "Things that don't concern you, nosey." He says with a grin, putting an arm around me and pulling me to him. "You've gotten awfully sassy lately, I think you need to stop hanging out with Greg or is it Ryan causing this problem?"

"Ryan is not sassy, right, Ryan?!" Ricky screams up to the front of the bus getting a goofy 'yes, sir!' In return. "You guys are weird." I rest my head on his chest, watching him look around on online stores for guitars and digging around my personal emails without me knowing till I took a closer look to see who's email it was. Finally, I make him put away the laptop and turn the lights off of our part of the bus. "Goodnight, Roadkill." I tease, trying to throw a insult at him, only for him to take it as a chance to laugh silently and pinch me. "Night,  baby."

Poke... Poke...Poke...

"What do you want, Ric—" I slam my head against the top of my bunk to see it wasn't Ricky waking me up, it was a little girl and boy. They both have dark, brown hair and pretty blue eyes; they're dressed in white nightgowns that you see in old movies. "Who are you? How did you kids get in here?"

"Who are you talking to, Vanessa?" Chris groans from the top bunk, I guess Ricky is driving if he isn't in the bunk with me. I ignore Chris and look at the two young kids. "My name is Renee, my brother's name is Gabe...Momma told us to find you and Ricky." I blink twice at the girl, she can't even be nine yet! "Who's your mommy?"

"For God's sake! Shut up already, Vanessa, I'm trying to—" When Chris tries to look into my bunk, he gets to meet the siblings. "...Who...The fück...Are you?!"
Okay, so the bright side is that I'm not hallucinating..The bad side? Chris is freaking out and has turned the lights on, waking everyone on the bus with the grumbling and surprise of finding two children on their tour bus.

"How did you get on the bus with us?!"

"We have security on the bus! Did you know that?"

"Who's driving right now?!"

"Oh my God! Why did you let them on the bus?!" The bus arises in arguing between all the bands, being the only girl on bus A, I have to sort this out. "Excuse me, let's all chill...hey...Stop it!" I groan and gently usher the two kids into my bunk so they wouldn't see anymore men in boxers or briefs. "Hey!" The noise silences, the bus is stopped and Ricky is joining in on defending himself against Jake Pitts and Jeremy Ferguson accusations of letting children on the bus.

"I know it's shocking to have two young kids on this bus, none of us know how they got here currently...But, they're so young and Renee says their Mother sent them on here. And I think by now we all know who is what creature, this should be considered normal as much as what we've all seen and been through. So, calm your hormones and let's not freak out over this." I sit by Renee's side, her expression is filled with fear and sadness. She didn't know why she is here or who these men are or what they are, and I knew how that felt.

"Hi, sweetie." She shyly looks at me with her brother in her arms. "My name's Vanessa, you have nothing to be scared of. None of us are going to hurt you or yell at you, these boys are just scared of their own shadows." I stroke a strand of her hair to the side, her hair is so long. Her brother looks about five, but I guess I won't find out just sitting here. "How old are you two?" By this time all the boys are near the bunk, piling into the few bunks in the back to watch the siblings and I. "Bubby's four and I'm seven." I look over my shoulder to see Ricky studying them closely, a little to closely.

"Rick...Are you alright?" He shakes his head, he sits next to me in front of the kids. "Is your Mother's last name Olson?" The girl nods quickly, sinking down with her little brother close. "What species is she?"
"Iralani." Ricky's eyes widen and he shoots a glance at Chris, who is also looking a little worried now, before looking back at them. "Is she okay?" Ricky's eyes start watering as he covers his mouth, I pray he isn't going to hit a huge pit of depression by her answer. "I don't know, she put us in the small trunk of the bus and told us to look for Ricky and a human woman."

"Ricky, what's up?" I raise a eyebrow at him, he uses his arm to wipe the tears away.

"Vanessa, my all, that loves me no matter what I did in the past..."

"What.Did.You.Do, Ricky Olson."

"It's a long story."

...I smell like victory, I taste like blood...

[Song: Final Dictvm by Motionless In White

wtf, Wattpad? It also won't let me choose a youtube song3:]

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